
There will never be a more qualified woman candidate than Clinton in a long time. She served as Secretary of State for the United States for the past seven years, after eight years as a senator for New York, the 3rd largest state in terms of electoral votes, after serving for eight years as First Lady of the country

You haven’t done shit for anyone - women, black people, gays, Muslims, Latinos, disabled people, uninsured fucking children. Hillary Clinton has. She’s a fucking American hero. Your feelings, convoluted and disgusting as they are, are your business and the stupid fucking pure example of why she lost. She was supposed

I’m a woman of color who relies on the Medicaid expansion in the ACA to live. I haven’t slept for more than a few hours a night since Trump was elected, because I am afraid of dying, or being beat up by a Trump supporter for having brown skin. The rise of white nationalism is a direct threat to me and my family. So

“Basically handed her the nomination.”

“Handed” her the nomination? We had primaries and she won, idiot. She wasn’t “handed” a damn thing. Drop the sexist garbage asshole.

Jesus, stop being an asshole. Everyone is willing and able to figure out how we rebuild the party and do better in 2018 and 2020, but there are people who are heartbroken and you are being shitty about it for no reason other than your own exaggerated sense of self importance.

I don’t think she prioritizing Hillary’s feelings, I think she just feels for her. Nothing wrong with that.

I do think the party has some blame for the fact that we haven’t built a stronger field the past few years.

Thank you Thank you Thank you. I recently changed careers due to the massive amount of sexism and sexual harassment I faced. Hillary’s loss felt really personal to me. (and I don’t fucking care if I’m being too emotional. There’s plenty of time for me to emotionally distant myself from the loss, but I think I’ve

“Basically handed her the nomination.”

Putting aside the fact that you seem to want to blame the wiccan for the witch-hunt, so to speak, from appearances, (too) many Americans didn’t give shit if Trump could keep his conduct above-board. In fact they cheered when he didn’t.

“My opinion is factually wrong, but I’m going to stick to my guns anyways and double down on some pontificating regarding a subject I clearly know nothing about.”

What an incredible luxury for you.

this horse isn’t dead for the millions of Americans likely to suffer under Trump’s regime. the holidays will not be safe or joy filled or happy for a lot of folks.

You got that right. The FBI never investigated W. for his private email server. Or the 22 million emails “lost” by his admin.

That would be nice, but for a lot of people there’s no “off” switch for this aftermath. Just one example, many of the people I know who are brown and/ or muslim or gay are planning to avoid all travel to or through the US because they’re scared. For those who are already on lists and get pulled into little rooms at

See, here’s the problem - it wasn’t against the rules at the time. It is NOW, but that fact doesn’t matter because you don’t bother to pay attention to the facts. Our country belongs to the low information voter.

If you’ve been working your whole life in politics and planning for this moment, and some rich male idiot sexist racist who had never so much as served on a student council waltzes in and wins, you’re allowed to dissect what in the fuck happened. Respect.

That’s why Obama needs to jump on doing something about this FAST. Of course, all of the Trump supporters will act like it’s because he’s upset that she lost and so unjustified.

And now he’s the only thing standing between AG Rudy Ghouliani and reforming the FBI as his secret police.