Finally, a piece of news that doesn’t totally depress me to type: Katy Perry has donated $10,000 to Planned…
Finally, a piece of news that doesn’t totally depress me to type: Katy Perry has donated $10,000 to Planned…
My partner and I have been going through the exact same thing this week and I’m really glad to read this and know we’re not alone. I just can’t close my eyes and not freak out, and the idea of being sexual during all of this kind of terrifies me. Mostly though I can’t get Trump’s actions – his grabbing women by the…
in all seriousness, my libido has disappeared since the election. 100% gone.
I live with my partner and we usually do it every day...I think he definitely has noticed. But he’s been pretty understanding about everything. I hope yours understands how big of a deal this is and doesn’t pressure you or hold it against you.
These election results have definitely killed my sex drive. Am I not the only one?
My husband voted for Jill Stein, so yeah, that’s how things stand for me right now.
How about people just stop fucking the Republicans?
We were going to have sex last night but I just couldn’t get into it. I love my Clinton-voting husband, but I just... am not even kind of in the mood. You’re entire “Picture this” paragraph is exactly how my thoughts are working right now.
I called my local PP today to schedule getting an IUD now for obvious reasons. They are booked solid until mid December - someone else took my first choice timeslot literally while I was on the phone with them. I hope there aren’t shortages of care while we all flee to get our birth control while its still covered.
Thank you for writing this because I haven’t had the desire to since I heard the news. I was starting to think something was actually wrong with me.
If Competence trumped Belligerence we’d be celebrating President Hillary Clinton’s win right now.
so you voted for trump.
We don’t have a democracy—Trump lost the popular vote.
I’m getting sick of hear fucking libertarian white dudes and apathetic male hillary voters telling me to calm down. You calm down. When you can be forced to carry a child to term then you can tell me to shut up. go fuck yourselves!
I hope Chuck Schumer is ready. He’s going to be the most powerful Democrat left in our government after the inauguration.
Well, he was a boxer in the navy. And this is making the rounds:
Harry Reid seems so milquetoast, and then when you least expected it he came out swinging.
For the past few days, I’ve felt the constant ache of irreparable loss, mostly for the safety of my most-vulnerable…