
Yes, a reverse osmosis system would remove lead. I’m not sure what type of system they are supplying. I hope new filter cartridges are included with these systems. The one for my filter is $35 every three months, but I’m sure the change interval will be much higher given the contamination levels.

England doesn’t have “federal” judges.

It works with Shiloh Jolie-Pitt too.

I have a friend whose grandmother liked to say, “It’s always a relief when they look like their daddy.” (I didn’t realize how much she looked like him until that side-by-side! I just realized I’ve only ever seen her with her mom. That kid looks like the perfect computer-generated combination of both parents.)

Ohh, look at the big shot ever here, with their fancy “matches” and whatnot.

One of my weirder one night stands involved dancing with a girl for about five minutes before last call, buying her a shot because I was below the minimum on my card, and then taking her home. The next morning as we’re lying naked under the covers she says “This is going to sound awkward but.. I don’t remember your

Same here. I would have been massively disappointed with previous elections going the other way. The results of this one literally horrify me.

We were out of the country for the election (early voted) and were on a plane as the results came in. We landed and checked our phones and got very quiet. And I looked over at my husband and he had tears streaming down his face and then I lost it.

Exactly. I have been sad and angry, and I’ve been actually having nightmares about the future Trump administration. I didn’t react this way in 2004 (the first election in which I could vote). I didn’t love McCain or Romney, but wouldn’t have felt panicked by a possible win from either of them. Trump’s hate rhetoric,

The thought has crossed my mind, but then we get pence.

I said this to my husband last night. W. Was problematic. I wasn’t fans of McCain or Romney, but even with George W Bush, I felt like he seemed like a good person with good intentions. Same with the others—we had myriad fundamental disagreements and I did not want them to be elected. But Trump is a different ballgame.

I feel numb looking at these photos. Enough with the conciliatory bullshit, we know that this is the beginning of the end. This is a very sad day in American history

Don’t feel bad about feeling bad. I’ve been crying off and on in a way I haven’t cried over ANY election. I didn’t cry over Bush 2.0. I didn’t cry when McCain introduced Sarah Palin. I didn’t cry when it looked like Romney might actually win.

I want some way for the Northeast to float out to sea (but not Pennsylvania; fuck you Pennsylvania!) Bugs, we need you desperately.

Patience of a saint.

Some dipshit on Twitter told me that Hillary supplied the guns used in Beghazi and I asked them how she found time to be a gun runner in addition to all her other duties as Secretary of State. Surprisingly, I got no response.  

There are a lot of people in this country who think that a rich guy with a pretty wife and a foul mouth and a gold toilet must be doing something right so they want him to fix all their problems too. That’s basically it.

I am bone dry