EASY. UNCHECKED GERRYMANDERING, and VOTER SUPPRESSION with a side of VOTER INTIMIDATION..... and the left sat there while Trumpians threatened to harass blacks at the polls.
EASY. UNCHECKED GERRYMANDERING, and VOTER SUPPRESSION with a side of VOTER INTIMIDATION..... and the left sat there while Trumpians threatened to harass blacks at the polls.
Bull Durham is one of my all-time favorite movies and used to be my go-to for comfort viewing when things seemed shitty. Maybe it will be again once day, but not now.
On behalf of PA, I apologize. I did what I could. And my poor dad put so much time campaigning for Bernie in the primaries and then Hillary in the general while dealing with the loss of his sister. It sucks.
No, not Viggo too..... :’(
Susan retweeted the clip of Van Jones that’s going around right now. To which I say, how DARE you have the nerve to do that you ignorant fool. After your simpering for Jill Stein. Van Jones has been a voice of reason this whole election season and you tuning into him now is a day late and a damn sight more than a…
Seriously. All the people on my Facebook feed who were posting vile, hateful things about Hillary, or insisting she’s just as bad as Trump and there’s no point in even voting at all, are now wondering how this happened, and I’m like, ARE YOU SERIOUS? DO YOU HAVE MEMORY PROBLEMS? All y’all who were hating on Hillary or…
That is a lie. We had one of the best, most ethical, capable, talented, smart and strong in modern history. And Trump.
The Electoral College is a form of voter suppression.
I’m irrationally angry (and hungover) so yes FUCK HER. She can afford to say and do whatever she wants without being affected in any real way. She’s rich and white, so she can shut the fuck up. As a black woman in the shrinking middle class going back to school on grants in a mostly conservative state, this shit is…
The gap between Trump and Clinton in Wisconsin is just under 27,000 votes. Nearly 31,000 people in Wisconsin voted for Jill Stein.
Fuck you Susan. Have a nice roll in your cash as you watch us poor women go bankrupt then die from cancer.
Trump is by far the worse candidate, saying him and Clinton are equally awful is one hundred percent wrong.
Bernie Sanders owes the world an apology today. Not for running, which is anyone’s right, but for not stopping the irrational hate and conspiracy theories earlier on and for insisting on fighting to the convention even after it was clear he had lost. I hope he will never forgive himself for what he has done.
Well, well, well, here I go again: since I posted at the Gary Johnson one, it’s only fair to post it here too...
She better not come back in the next election and complain about how terrible Trump is, just as she did with GWB in 2004. She’s done this twice now, and she’s disgrace to this country. I’m not watching any movies that she’s in going forward.
To be fair, pretty sure voter suppression was at play.
Omg, yes fuck you Susan Sarandon. I hope you enjoy clinging to your ideological purity while Trump guts this country and drags us back to 1851 or whenever he believes America was great before.
AND FUCK YOU to all of the Bernie supporters who started the cycle of Hillary hate, revved it up, warmed up that engine and then passed it right on to Trump.Fuck you for that. This means you “The Slot.” Your dumb ass is guilty as charged.
Well, I know people who were very anti-Trump who voted for Gary Johnson. I can’t even talk to them right now, I’m so angry and hurt.
Someone just told me they were going to throw my belligerent ass in jail. Great! I can finally meet Hillary.