Gary Johnson, a Libertarian nominee so baldly ill-equipped to win the presidency that his own VP Bill Weld semi-openl…
Gary Johnson, a Libertarian nominee so baldly ill-equipped to win the presidency that his own VP Bill Weld semi-openl…
Okay, thanks for helping my memory. My first presidential election was 1992, so I vaguely remember voting in 2000, and NOT for Bush. But when he was elected, I kind of shrugged it off and went about my business. I was upset but not crushed? Last night and this morning I am literally crying and worried about what is…
I was only 18 and maybe I’m misremembering or so much has changed, but I just felt like sometimes democrats win, sometimes not but government functions and there are enough people involved that it’s going to be ok. Our government and country are so different today and I’m saddened in a way that I couldn’t have even…
You see, I keep telling myself that we survived Bush. This isn’t helping.
Fuck trump, fuck you and goddamn fuck America.
Is this how 2000 felt?! I was a wee lass then, so I don’t entirely remember.
What an inarticulate idiot
Please don’t. This is so beyond shitty I don’t even have words for it, but please don’t let this make you give up. National Suicide hotline is Call 1-800-273-8255
You mean the Pence who vowed to overturn Roe v Wade? Can’t say I find him running things reassuring.
Holy shit, America elected our Hitler.
As a Mexican American female, I am terrified. I am, in all probability, going to lose my healthcare and control of my reproductive rights at the same time, while likely facing out and out racism and sexism like I’ve never experienced before. I am terrified for my Muslim friends, my gay friends and family, my friends…
Dear Lord, please make me a horrible person so I can stop feeling like shit.
Rape is legal now. Being gay is illegal. Abortion is relocated to back alleys.
Orange is the new black.
As a non-American, I’m glad you brought up the possible global recession.
“a 70-year-old tangerine Superfund site and a menace to the peace, stability, and dignity of the country and the future of the free world”
This makes no fucking sense. If you kick out feminists, the anti-racists and the LGBTQ community, you get the Republican party.
52% of white women voted for Trump. I just can’t...I just can’t even...I’m shattered.
The image of Clinton, or even anyone, having to call and concede to and congratulate Trump on becoming president, is going to fucking haunt me.
Well fuck everything