
It really was genius rigging on Hillary’s part. She was the one that convinced Bernie to just hand her tons of delegates in big southern states by not even bothering to contest them, right? She told him “don’t bother campaigning in Texas because a loss is a loss” and then he didn’t, and then she won 72 net delegates

“Now that it appears enough adults will be doing the right thing and voting for Clinton, that opens the door for us privileged, precious flowers to vote our fragile consciences for Stein.”

Uh..that’s not how primaries work, bro.

Well Susan thinks Trump winning this will spur some kind of revolution, which she’ll no doubt sit out in her comfy mansion with personal security while the rest us are tear gassed and shot in the streets. She can go fuck herself.

Also - “since I think the candidate I want to win is going to win without my vote, I will vote for someone who I know won’t win.” That makes zero fucking sense. You know she is going to lose and you are voting for her? I don’t get it.

Right, people said the same thing in 2000 and we got Bush and the Iraq War that everyone is now angry about. There was no fucking revolution. While we’re at it, in Germany the Leftists said “First Hitler, then our turn.” Didn’t work out so well for a lot of people, as it turns out.

I think she actually wants Trump to win. This seems to be a theme with the people for whom Hillary hatred is a primary motivation. They’re throwing a tantrum because they didn’t get their way, and they want the entire country to suffer so they can say, “See? I told you you should have voted for Bernie.”

Seconded. And what bugs me is that all my friends who are super disappointed about Bernie and anti-Hillary now, were TOTALLY for Hillary 8 years ago and I was going “nah, I think Obama is pretty cool, I dunno if Hills, with all her burned bridges and controversies would be a good president.” And now I have to defend

Yep. Saw something earlier that Brian Cranston will move to Canada if Trump wins. Which, good for you bro, but the rest of us are still stuck here with the neofascists.

FTFY, Suze:

What exactly is this “record of corruption” of which she speaks? Clinton has a record of centrism that I don’t love at all, but not being left enough is hardly corrupt. I may not like it myself but plenty of Americans do.

Fuck everyone who talks about the revolution. And especially fuck those who have the wealth and resources to protect themselves if necessary. I’ve always figured a revolution is like lots of riots strung together and wrapped up in a war. Revolution is not really where I want to go. Revolutions tend to be very hard on

I know, right? People keep using that word but there is no evidence of corruption. Clinton has been effectively undergoing the process of vetting since the Whitewater controversy in the 1990s.


Your wokest aunt Saran Sarandon, who once suggested Donald Trump might make a better president than Hillary Clinton because of the subsequent revolution...

“...Clinton, with her record of corruption...”

Almost all of my Republican family members are agreeing to vote for McMullin. This is good news to me, because most of them would kill themselves before voting for Hillary. So, those are all votes that would have gone to Trump if they didn’t pull the lever for McMullin. It ain’t much, but I’m counting it as a win.

Minor or not so minor tidbit. bits. Tim bits or tim nuts later. 1. stop believing a third party candidate will ever, ever, be viable in the shit system that belongs to us and is ingrained in the fabric of this country. no. that ship has passed. Do you remember Ross perot ms Sarandon? You think stein is some kind of

Now that Trump is self-destructing, I feel even those in swing states have the opportunity to vote their conscience.