
This. And knowing that my fiancé’s sister went through IVF several times, and the mom of the baby I kept being told to hold had just had a miscarriage saying anything other than that we don’t want more kids feel really wrong knowing how much they’ve all struggled. Everyone seems to think that if they just say the

I used to feel the need to follow up “I don’t have kids” with something like “I can’t have them” or “They’re not my thing”. I don’t know why....I guess people made me feel guilty or something when they’d ask ‘You don’t want kids???”. Now I just say, “I don’t want kids” and let the awkward silence follow. The ball’s in

I’m a gay man who has adopted recently and pretty much everyone asks if we are going to adopt another one. As if the process wasn’t long enough the first time around, and there are no guarantees. Also, it’s been less than a year. Chill, people.

I met my husband at work and we both have worked there for years. We constantly are asked about when we are having children. I remember a coworker saying something like, “it’s the most amazing spiritual experience” and I said, “I’m sure Buddhist monks have amazing spiritual experiences as well, but I’m not running off

They can procreate all they like, they just need keep their judgments to themselves.

And once you have one, they’ll ask if you are having more.

I fucking love how much she says fuck. Also, much appreciate her saying us childless women are brave. I get so many annoying comments about my lack of children...why don’t you have kids? When are you going to have kids? Don’t you want kids? What, you don’t have kids? Oh, you’ll change your mind, kids are the most

I understand what you’re saying. I think the headline here is a bit misleading. It’s too late to edit the comment, so I’ll just amend it here: So he isn’t blaming her for the violence, he’s blaming her for overreacting to his violence. Typical hysterical woman, blowing a tiny thing out of proportion. (Checks all of

The mother should be held responsible in some capacity, because she either sent her son to destroy the clinic for Jesus, or she sent him as an “addict” to “steal medicine”, which really isn’t any better of a cover story;

“Look what you made me do.”

So the guy perpetrates the violence and then blames the woman for not preventing it? (Checks all of human history.) YUP! CHECKS OUT!

I hope not and I’d never have imagined Trump had any kind of chance but 2016's been bringing the crazy.

I am furiously working on writing a grant proposal for literally a million dollars; it’s due in 48 hours and could be life/career-changing if it succeeds. That is for real the only thing stopping me from drink AAAALL THE WINE in response to this ridiculous goddamned news.

It sounds like the emails weren’t sent by Huma either; but rather these were all emails sent to HRC from other people. According to MSNBC, some of the emails sent to HRC would be printed out, and it was Huma’s job to do that. Apparently sometimes Huma would forward them from HRC’s state email account to Huma’s own

Comey needed to be fired about three years ago.

Seems pretty full time to me.

James Comey, FBI director... and Trump supporter in his spare time?

It really doesn’t make any sense as to why Comey would put the nation through this without offering sufficient information, unless he has an agenda. I realize that many people are saying he was damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t, but he has given the impression of interference for his lack of transparency. Surely