Former New York congressman Anthony Weiner should have been an amusing blip on the history of the state—a fun story…
Former New York congressman Anthony Weiner should have been an amusing blip on the history of the state—a fun story…
Try grocery shopping at 2am. Every time I do this I wonder why I don’t do it every time.
There’s an Acme
Grocery stores are a goddamn nightmare.
No, not at all! A lot of people just aren’t aware that Catholic hospitals and clinics long precede the healthcare-as-industry model we have now.
One of the central tenets of Catholicism is caring for the less-fortunate. Catholic women, and nuns in particular, have a long, proud history of providing healthcare to those who need it, which is why there are so many Catholic hospitals, especially in poorer rural areas.
And that fucking Chaffetz twat has to leap on anything he can to try to grab at the hem of Hillary’s coat to keep her from reaching the finish-line. Give it up, Jason. Sheesh.
Excellent point, it is different for everyone. I didn’t have a heartbeat with #1, that made for a different experience for me. I’m so sorry to hear that you are having such a hard time re-pregnanting. The human body is so damn fickle! Wishing you the best of luck and good health.
Sorry, I should say that medically, a partial-birth abortion is not a thing. It was a term created by NRLC to make it sound scarier.
So you’re saying you’re the thought police then?
Man here, IMO it’s not that they know so little it’s that they don’t fucking care anyways! Ignorance would be preferable, right? This is so much worse.
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
I don’t know about you, but after having this week of miscarrying I was fully ready to go surgical route in the future if I miscarried again. Better to get it done with all at once and at a scheduled time. Luckily my current pregnancy seems to be sticking (21 weeks, holler) and I’m 95% sure this will be my last…
I am Catholic. I was raised in the Church, received all my sacraments (including marriage) in the Church from my priest uncle, and can belt out at least 2 dozen Gather hymnal jams from memory. Under no circumstances will I seek treatment at a Catholic hospital when I am someday pregnant. God gave me my body and He…
I could also see this type of ruling leading to investigations of women’s miscarriages a la Indiana and other places. This is an abomination and it makes me so mad I can feel the steam coming out of my ears.
I miscarried at 5 weeks in September. At that stage, it’s pretty much a normal, if heavier than average, period. This law would have me keep all the tampons and pads and bury them behind the church? It’s absolute lunacy.
I can not say it enough, these male legislators know so little about basic human biology I’m shocked that they remember to breathe and eat.
I live in this not-so-great state and if you didn’t know, it goes like this:
Yup...Abbott thinks Texas should regulate itself because states understand their needs better than the feds. But when a city passed a ban on fracking, Abbott blocked it. I guess he knows better for everyone in Texas? Dick.