>He gives off that arrogant self-righteousness that is common among...
>He gives off that arrogant self-righteousness that is common among...
He is truly a disgusting human being. He’s the reason I was unable to watch the Flint water crisis hearings to the end. He was a total jerk to the female EPA lady, yet defended Synder with zeal. He doesn’t care two figs about the kids getting poisoned in Flint. Guess what? Two years on and Flint still doesn’t have…
I keep feeling like I’ve seen him everywhere. Then I realized that he looks like Jon Gosselin. Slap some Ed Hardy on him and you won’t be able to tell them apart.
I live in one of the reddest states in the country. In those “if only xx voted” maps, we’re one of the GoP holdouts in just about every one. There’s a Clinton-Kaine sign on one of the apartment balconies in my complex, and I’m just sitting here wishing I were that brave.
That does make it better. They fist bumped the crazy guy in his underwear. With a blowtorch.
When I was little I found her picture terrifying. Haunting. I was scared of that picture, scared of her face. (which in my family, was kind of problematic. NatGeo all over the place)
I vividly remember looking at this cover as a child, being mesmerized by the striking green eyes of the girl. I read about her a few years ago, when the photographer searched for her, to see if she had survived the brutal refugee camp. And he found that she had, and she had returned home, and was married with three…
When you have 13 signs in your yard, you’re not just supporting a candidate; you’re rubbing it in your neighbors’ faces. Blowtorch guy was wrong, but I think she knew she was riling people up — and reveled in it.
I live in close proximity to some Trump supporters with veritable shrines to him in their yards and I have on more than one occasion fantasized about throwing shit at their signs or otherwise defacing.
You’re focusing on the side details. The real story here is that someone had 13 Trump signs in their yard and then thought “I need more of these”.
I’m honestly so torn. In theory I 100% agree, but I’m so terrified and his rhetoric makes people unsafe. It makes our democracy unsafe. I’m reaching my level of “be better.” This election is bringing out the worst in everyone and when I see this it feels like a modern day Boston Tea Party. Of course though I’d be…
I mean I agree with you completely . . . But I still chuckled. Horrible person? Maybe.
I don’t how I went 40 years before doing this, but now I can read a newspaper and say “Drunk. Drunk. She was drunk, too. That guy was probably high.”
I’m in SoCal, and the only signs I’ve seen have been for Oompa Loompa Hitler. I’ll admit that I’m a little hesitant to put up a sign for Hillary because I’m afraid someone would damage my car or house. I did buy a Hillary campaign button, a Woman Card, and a deck of Deal Me In cards for Little Doo, but nothing is…
I get that. I feel pretty much the same way but my evil side does get a chuckle from it. Just like in high school when a bully at my school got his house toilet papered. It isn’t nice, I would never do it, but still.
America is great. This man is great. The people who fist-bumped him are great.
Certain “billionaires” among us would like you to believe that America needs to be Made Great Again. Certain…