
... and she was also in high school! By the time she was old enough to vote, she’d switched to the Democratic Party. People keep forgetting/ willfully-ignoring that wee detail.

I try to remind folks about this when they dis on young Hillary’s involvement with the Goldwater campaign...and also suggest that instead of speaking to her “morals” it more loudly speaks to her ambition. She was just a young woman who wanted to be taken seriously, make a name for herself and get the experience she

Jordon almonds are gross and we all know they’re gross. They are throwaway favors. If someone has a cash bar plus jordan almonds, I know they’re trash. And god knows they have a fondant cake.

Wow this is so important. Pre shredded cheese is the worst. It doesn’t melt right. Especially the saw dust Kraft calls parmesan.

Still my fav!

I like Make America Great Britain Again

That link was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I subscribedto the Post.

I’ve also seen “Make America Read Again”

From your typewriter to God’s ears but ssssshhhhhhhh! Don’t jinx it!

I pray to the androgynous sky blob that grants me wishes & gummy bears that you are right.

Is Maine’s Portland weird too?

Bruh. MAINE-iacs.

Haha I watched this go down on Facebook live yesterday.

“intersection of High and Congress”

I think it’s cruel and disgusting that people still wear fir.

I guessing we both got linked here by the same present day thread. I’ve been itching to reply to all these.

**I know this is an OLD thread, but I had already started writing, so now I’m stuck.

Oh, and in reading the article, it looks like they basically stopped giving a shit about his “activities” when he met his wife because they thought it would keep his nose clean. That’s pretty damning.

Sexual predators, Donald Trump aside, are often very adept at hiding their behaviors. I have a couple in my family, people I grew up with and never had any idea about until they were exposed several years later. I shiver sometimes when I think of how many I probably come into contact with on a regular basis.