My kids regularly flip off houses with Trump signs, but only at night. I find it hard to parent against that.
My kids regularly flip off houses with Trump signs, but only at night. I find it hard to parent against that.
This morning on my slog to work, I saw a big, coal-rolling, flag and Trump paraphernalia-festooned, window-tinted, chrome plated Hemi almost rear end a Prius with an “I’m with HER” bumper sticker. Multiple times. Asshat.
It was an impulse. I did not act upon it. I have more self-control than Trump. Even while drunk.
Someone with a trumper sticker cut me off the other day...the rage I was filled with was just...overwhelming.
I feel that this is never met with much support, but I gotta say....creamy, y’all. That’s what’s up.
I was driving and flipping off Trump signs (not solely for that purpose) and a dude saw me giving the finger to his sign. When I drove past his house again a few hours later, the sign was gone. I felt kind of bad. But then I remembered: Trump supporter. No mercy.
Makes them stick to the roof of your mouth.
Yes, so much this. I’m emotionally exhausted after a party. Even if it is a party with people I like and enjoy spending time with individually. Afterwards I want nothing more than to curl up on my couch with my cat and watch reruns of Star Trek: TNG on the BBC.
I just walked past a car yesterday with several Trump/Pence bumper stickers onto which someone had thrown a large quantity of what I’m just going to assume was vanilla pudding.
The ONLY acceptable use of crunch peanut butter is baking. Rocky Road Fudge? Yeah, that needs the crunch.
Smooth all day everyday.
Makes them tasty?
Relatable? Bullshit.
That is freaking amazing!
This is the face I pull fairly often, that results in either my mother accusing me of rolling my eyes at her (well, in the spirit of my action, yes, but not technically) and makes my partner sigh and tell me to just spit out how he’s wrong.
Her restraint is incredible. I keep half-expecting her to turn to him and go, “Donald, you’re a total fucking nut job.”
I’m sooooo glad you posted this. I rewound the debate to make my husband enjoy this, the worlds most perfect eye roll. And then I gleefully said “I can’t wait to watch the gif of that tomorrow!!” AND HERE IT IS.
It’s definitely been her greatest strength in these debates.
Naw, she has that smile that say “can you believe this shit?” In a very nice southern way too.