
ugh.... I hate the whole “boys {kids} need their dads” in order to grow up to be decent members of society mentality. No, kids need GOOD strong role models, who are not necessarily blood related. If your parent is the kind of dirt bag who would abuse their own child in this manner, you don’t need that monster in your

I was molested repeatedly by my father around the age of 12. I didn’t confide in any one until years later but, I still felt so much shame and guilt. I can attest to the weird complicated feelings that comes with being molested by the person who is supposed to protect you. I didn’t want to put myself or baby sister in

It’s definitely not uncommon but it’s still infuriating. We had a patient in our dental practice who raped his two daughters both under the age of 10 for years, and his wife stayed with him after he got caught. It was a good thing her mother had a much better head on her shoulders than she did, because I can’t

You know what, it’s quite plausible that she’s devastated at the thought of not having her dad in her life

And they wonder why women aren’t moving up in the tech world. I’d be emotionally exhausted just being in the same office as this asshole.

This poor, poor little girl. You know what, it’s quite plausible that she’s devastated at the thought of not having her dad in her life - abuse within families is as complicated as it is horrific, and it could not be clearer that the adults in her life are encouraging her feelings of loss and guilt, rather than those

He is not a monster, just a man that really screwed up and has been paying in many ways.”

Fuck. This. Guy. Forever.

Not to mention hovering is just barely keeping up as kids are fast little things. It is easier to drive in an endurance race than to chase after a 2 year old.

“whatever the P.C. way to describe what used to be called ‘mentally retarded.’ ” Since they didn’t want to “stoop all the way to girls,”

In other words:
Play the goddamn game, retard! What are you? A fucking homo?

Yeah. Fuck this guy.

Right. Women can’t win. If we perform care-giving labor then we are accused of corrupting, and contaminating the people we care for. Because our charges will become “feminized” (what could be worse.) But if we are ever perceived as not actively, and obsessively performing that labor we are literally criminalized: http:

That’s another great point about the elitism at work here— parents who aren’t safely upper-class may hover because, if they’re discovered letting their kids walk home alone, or play at a park while Mom shops, they run the risk of being arrested for neglect/ abandonment.

Inviting neighborhood kids over to play in a backyard you’ve gone on record describing as “high risk” is, in legal terminology, a really bad idea.

I hover because I don’t want some judgmental asshole deciding I’m “neglectful” and calling the cops. It’d be a waste of resources on an already taxed system, bro. 

OMG - I wanted to slug him.

In fact, if I was Bill Clinton I would of just yelled FUCK YOU from my chair.

When he said that, I literally screamed in rage and had to leave the room. I was so pissed off on her behalf. Who gives a shit what Bill thinks? HE’S NOT THE NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, YA FUCKER.

I think it got lost because it was so close after “Nasty woman” which is immediately horrifying, but when you sit and think about it, “nasty woman” belittles Hillary, but “your husband disagrees with you,” belittles all women. And in a way that plays directly into the subset of his supporters who are calling for the

Her husband’s going to be sitting on the White House lawn, playing Duck, Duck, Goose with the grandkids; WHO CARES IF HE DISAGREES WITH HER, DONALD?

This is next level weapons grade trolling here.

Her social media team is awesome. And quick.