
I think you’re mistaken as to how these events proceed. See, the knife is just a tool. Once you pick it up, you are the eldritch horror...

I feel like they ran out of time to do more with the underwater stuff, I’m betting we’ll see more in the first DLC.

There is no reason to hate on what is undoubtedly the greatest entertainment franchise in the history of forever just because you’re excited for this movie.

I have an idea for a simple stand that has a small battery, a few LEDs and as on/off switch that’ll illuminate the bottle when set on the stand. Of course, that’s assuming I’ll get around to doing that.

Sikh and Islam are completely different religions which aren’t remotely related to each other. It’s like racists aren’t even trying to educate themselves anymore.

Even if he’s a liberal purposely sabotaging the GOP, he’s still fucking evil for riling up the 25 to 40 percent of hardcore racists in this country. People are getting hurt because of this pus filled sack of shit’s rhetoric.

I was kind of board with the closet liberal theory, but now I'm thinking he may be an ISIS recruiting tool

This feels like one of those games that will live by it’s unique visuals for about a month and then die off once it becomes clear that the gameplay is the same thing we’ve played thousands of times just in the past decade alone.

It’s the reason why I stopped bothering with playing in Melee tournaments. The frothing at the mouth fanbase really put me off from Melee. It’s like trying to talk to FF7 fanboys or Red Sox fans. It’s just blind fanboyism and if anyone says anything negative about it, it just devolves into profanity and egotism.

To my knowledge BLM has never shot up anywhere or killed anyone. When I was interviewing for a job for an organization that works with abortion we had to meet at an undisclosed location for safety reasons. I had to sign that I wouldn’t tell anyone where we met. Anti-choice fuck nuts have killed and bombed us. They

Way to fling this at Black Lives Matter.


Thanks for saying that, I fell in love with the first game not just because of the excellent gameplay but also because of the muted pastel colors art style and the gritty (by Anime standards) semi-realistic representation of the military equipment, uniforms, hair colors and styles, and locations.

The only character I would like to see from that list is Snake’s return from Brawl.

Now playing

It was good for the time, shame it then became a one-up contest between different studios to see who could come up with the most deliberately shocking scene.

“Was that so hard?!”

Nobody is arguing to get rid of traditional level-based games. They’re simply making the very logical point that there’s only a downside to locking out level select until certain conditions have been met.

Sound test, lol. I wish games nowadays had sound test. You have to jump through so many hoops to listen to a song or some score.

Still remember when level unlock codes were the way you saved your progress. I’m looking at you Lemmings.

In terms of Open Worlders. What if every mission is sectioned out in zones on mission board/Quest givers with a mini selection screens. Its the only way i could see that working, or maybe a full quest selection from the pause screen (Which would be horrendously overpopulated in my eyes)