
I don’t know why, but I find something really funny about how matter-of-fact and kind of exasperated the Nintendo rep sounds.

Oh man... if they give you in-game bonuses through purchases, this is going to be nuts. Nintendo will be able to do whatever crazy crap they want with the NX and not worry about money for another decade if this game keeps making money.

“Wow, Pokemon Go looks great, right? I mean... not great... that’s like... little kid stuff. I’m a big man with big boy hairs, so I can’t admit to being interested in anything marketed to kids. I need big manly things like cars! I mean... I want the exact same product, I just want it delivered in a way that doesn’t

The Ghostbusters game was pretty much a third movie... it had all the characters, most of the humor, and a lot of fun little easter eggs for fans. The gameplay was good enough to be enjoyable and immersive, but not so great that there would be much reason to replay it. If you have Gamefly or something I’d recommend

From what I’ve heard, he told police that he had a bomb on his person (like a bomb vest). If they used tear gas he could have run out and detonated the bomb. And even if it did incapacitate him, they wouldn’t have any way to safely take the bomb away from him afterward.

How did he even “give” it to him? Isn’t it a digital-only release? Did he gift it to the Pope’s Steam Account?

I know a lot of people have told you the same thing, but I feel like you’re totally missing the point of the article. It’s not saying that this product is bad because it can kill people, it’s saying that this product is bad because it can only be used to kill people. The design of it makes it too non-functional to use

Didn’t the anime of this show get cancelled a few years back? I don’t know why... I just assumed the comic was already finished at the time as well.

It’s one of those things that like... everyone has heard of it, or would recognize the cover of the novel, but it just doesn’t stand out in anyone’s mind. I was big into Dahl when I was the right age for the books, and BFG was always listed right there with the rest of them, but I didn’t even remember the plot of the

MGDMT is interesting because, although game characters are often the focus, it’s really more of its own story that just happens to include these game characters. The comic can go months without mentioning videogames at all... so you end up with things like this page, where the humor is more based on their own personal

This is the weirdest thing I’ve read in quite some time. I don’t quite get how the article actually endorses Bud Light Lime... it seems to openly acknowledge that the lime part is the worst part of the whole thing and its only real benefit is being a cheap, drinkable beer. I feel like you could just put regular Bud

Aww, I was hoping for ideas about alternative challenges or something that could be added to the game, not weird nitpicks about mostly minor details....

I just hope this supersedes the current Squirrel Girl run so she can go back to being a fun, silly character instead of a painfully social-justice-sploitation character with beady little eyes for no apparent reason.

Finally, we’re ready to play Version 1.0

Are there any free characters? I believe all the DLC characters will be purchaseable with in-game currency, but they’re not 100% free.

I’ve noticed that Callie gets more general support on average in stuff I”ve seen, but the fans of Marie tend to be much more passionate about their choice.

I agree... one of the biggest problems with these films is that Snyder and Warner Bros. seem to be practically embarrassed by the fact that they’re producing comic book movies, so they downplay a ton of important elements to make the characters look more “realistic”.

Well, I’d like to send a nice big “Fuck You” to the writer for going into interviews and saying bullshit about the whole thing being legit and Cap isn’t being brainwashed. I get that he didn’t want to reveal plot twists before they came up in the story, but he could just say, “Don’t worry, it will all make sense soon”

I was thinking the same thing, and honestly I kind of assumed that the article would have mentioned it as well.

Huh.... it’s rare to see something deliberately patched differently between console and PC. I’ve seen situations where there are differences in balance just because of some kind of technical limitation, but can anyone think of any other examples of times where it was done very deliberately?