
It’s just a thing now... every new appearance of an existing character has a new costume. Captain America has a distinctly different costume in every movie... for decades any change to a superhero’s costume was an event of some kind. But now the idea of characters all wearing variations on their classic suits without

I was thinking the same thing. Like... I get wanting to put your unique take on the character so your version can stand out in some way. But the changes to the outfit, at least what I can see in the trailer just seem... arbitrary.

I”ve seen this a few times, and usually when an author just posts a comment in their own article it’s because they want to make a point that’s more about wild speculation or strong personal opinion compared to the article, which some writers try to keep factual.

I’ve gotten black out drunk before. Multiple times, in fact. I got so drunk that I accidentally started a fire in my kitchen by trying to cook something then forgetting about it. But I’ve never defied the laws of basic human decency because I was drunk. I’ve never taken a dump on the floor. I’ve never stolen anything.

I feel like a big part of that is because Nintendo is actually making most of the games they announce themselves, so they know much more intimately how well the development is going and when they’re scheduled to come out. For Sony and Microsoft they work entirely with third-parties, so they might be getting misled

I’m gonna say it outright... fuck MatPat and fuck his stupid, forced “theories”. Every one of his dumb theory videos is just him thinking of something outlandish, then picking apart as many minor details that happen to be floating around in the game worlds to justify it and try to look smart by bringing up something

I think that’s for the best... I loved the writing and game-feel of the Saints Row games, but they got increasingly hampered by the franchise’s origin as a GTA clone. Even in 2 it was clear that they had ideas that weren’t entirely compatible with that concept, and with 3 (and especially 4) they pretty much abandoned

I found Vaan so annoying that, even though I enjoyed the other aspects of this game, I couldn’t bring myself to finish it. As much as people rag on Tidus from FFX, every negative trait he has is, at minimum, doubled for Vaan.

I would have argued with you, but I saw one of the posts on there where they edited in a more traditional Megaman face, and it actually doesn’t look too bad. The edit wasn’t even particularly good, but surprisingly adds a lot of depth to the design.

This game looks good when viewed from a 2D side-scrolling angle, but they really need to avoid other shots. The main character’s model looks really shoddy in closeups, and his run cycle looks floaty as hell when they show a shot of him viewed from behind.

I’m sure this probably took a decent amount of time in discussion and planning.... but seriously, you’re turning this in as a real article? You’re not even going to include pictures, or a short blurb on each character? I don’t even know if this list is “characters that Patricia likes based on design”, or something

Your last point really drives this home to me.... why does the system not even take that into account? I feel like it would be a simple solution to have the system check if the video in question is much older than the “copyrighted” material in question, and at least require an admin’s approval before just nuking

He says the same thing if you don’t fall for his dumb pitch, so I don’t know what his deal is... I think he just thinks everybody is a “Retahd”.

Yeah, I found it weird to read his actual review too. It took so long for him to get to any kind of specifics about this game as opposed to just general musing on sequels and the themes of Pulp stories. It actually kind of reminded me of reading reviews by people who have their own idea of how a story should be, so

There’s this, and there was the Cyanide and Happiness game that made several million dollars... I kind of feel like, in a way, these humorous party card games are starting to feel like the new “Pogs”... it’s something that’s cheap to produce, gets a lot of attention, but also stands a real chance to just be forgotten

I find the idea of it hilarious. I’m just guessing, but it seems like our hero is going to actually be doing whatever motions his ancestor performed, and that big dumb robot arm is going to pick him up or whatever so he doesn’t just slam into the wall and break his nose. If that’s the case, I’m sure they’ll only show

I think it’s just the clown nose to me. If he grows up into some big dumb clown monster I’m definitely not gonna want him on my team.

Does this mean we might get Marvel Vs. Capcom back?

There was a kid at my theater who was enthusiastically telling his parents on the way out that he wanted to be Ant-Man for Halloween lol

I really wish that news sites would get both sides of a story before reporting on it. Or at least include the phrase “claims” in their title.