
Oh yeah, I remember that. Me and another kid were the first in my class to get one... digital pets were already pretty popular at my school, but when the other kids found out that there was a version that, y’know... actually did something they were all over it.

Ugh, sorry... I just realized I read your post too quickly and totally misunderstood your point. Lol but now that you’ve corrected me, then yeah, I think everything you said is 100% accurate.

Actually, the Wii sold phenomenally well, and most importantly, it was the only system last gen that was sold at a profit for the manufacturer... Sony and Microsoft lost money on every Xbox and Playstation that sold. So when it comes to actual money, Nintendo did great... but what really took a hit was their

I don’t know why... this dude’s hair is no less ridiculous than Yugi’s... actually, come to think of it... it absolutely is less ridiculous than Yugi’s. But in my head it just looks 10 times worse and I can’t really put my finger on why...

Girthy, one might say.

I really wish more people would accept 7/10 as a positive review for a game. Pretty much any rating system eventually degrades until anything below a 9.5 is basically as good as a 1.

They could always hit her with whatever CGI face modification they partially developed for the Ghost in the Shell movie...

I’ve seen this picture posted elsewhere before, but this is the first time I’ve realized that she wasn’t specifically cosplaying as Chun Li.

I’m interested in finding a review from someone who didn’t struggle so much with the controls. I remember that being a common complaint with some other Nintendo games with an unusual control scheme... like when Twilight Princess was released on the Wii there were a lot of professional game journalists who complained

That’s beautiful, man lol in a weird way, but I think it sums up a big part of why she’s kind of felt like such a tragic figure for women’s wrestling. I’m sure if she had started now she would be an inspiring woman free to be herself on the stage (although part of me also thinks she would just skip wrestling and get

Who the hell cares what the Publisher has to say? Oh, the people who are going to lose money from licensing if people boycott the movie are trying to downplay the controversy? How shocking. It’s like when a movie comes out and they advertise it as “From the studio that produced another movie that you liked.” Not from

I’m inclined to agree. Other M, undeniably, damaged the Metroid brand. Although the Metroid games are nearly all universally praised critically, it’s never been Nintendo’s most profitable of their classic franchises. Even Super Metroid, which frequently finds itself literally listed as the best videogame of all time,

I think the gameplay still holds up really well. And the design is still really good lol but the story is pretty much as basic as they get.

I second Link to the Past. I think that Link’s Awakening doesn’t have as good of dungeons, though the world of the game does have more personality...

Well, whatever changes they made to the 3DS version seemed to fix a lot of that, since I found that version to play a lot more smoothly than most 3D adventure games I’ve played (not that there are a lot of them these days). It’s definitely not a perfect game, but it definitely didn’t just stand the test of time just

Nah, that’s one of his alternate outfits from SFIV...

To be honest, I never fully understood what the problem was lol I just knew that tilting it made the damn thing work. But that makes more sense than what I assumed as a child, which was that tilting it activated a second laser.

I remember I really wanted one of these when it came out... though mostly because I still had my original playstation, and the laser or something was worn out. Although weirdly, if I tilted the console at an angle it would still be able to read games. I ended up building a little angled shelf for it out of Legos just

Lol wow, if you’re trolling, you’re doing an excellent job, but if you’re being serious... I think that reaction says a lot more about you than the person you’re responding to, seeing as they didn’t say a single thing about women... and in fact was talking about animal handlers in general and not even this specific