
I think it was a bad thing that, when this was first reported on this site, it was basically just accepted as fact, based one tweet from Rapp, that she was specifically fired by Nintendo just because she had been harassed online. Then you had people all rallying against Nintendo, even though it now seems we have just

I think that’s the best possible scenario, but I feel like if they were going to go that route they would have done it by now.

I think that’s the best possible scenario, but I feel like if they were going to go that route they would have done it by now.

That makes sense... it explains why the Pokemon franchise is treated so differently from every other franchise from Nintendo, with its focus on multi-media distribution. I’d imagine it’s like a commonwealth... it has the authority to do essentially whatever it wants, but it probably still makes efforts to please the

I’d have to look into it more to know for sure just how autonomous the Pokemon Company is from Nintendo, but if nothing else I’m willing to bet a number of important people in the Pokemon Company also work for Nintendo directly.

I don’t know... Pokemon is a popular franchise, but I’m not sure how many people are truly excited for a live-action film. I’m someone who loves Pokemon... I’ve been playing since Red and Blue, and I’ve still got some Pokemon dolls sitting on a dresser in my room. But I don’t think I’d make the effort to go out and

Well, historically, Nintendo has been willing to sacrifice money in the short term in order maintain their reputation in the long-run. So I don’t think they’re as worried about making money from the film... the Pokemon franchise already prints money... they’re probably making more from their Pay-to-Win pokemon games

That movie’s so polarizing, though... It was kind of amazing to see a major film just embrace its cartoon aesthetic so aggressively, but in a lot of ways it simply didn’t work.

I’m not, just because it’s kind of hard to visualize how it should look. If you do the ‘Mons too realistic, they risk not really looking like themselves anymore (and also hitting the Uncanny Valley pretty hard). Do them too cartoony, and it will look weird next to the live-action actors.

I think you’re mistaking a port with an emulated game. The games you mentioned are, in essence, new games programmed specifically for the newer systems, using the assets from classic SNES games. These are big investments of money and programming, which is why each of the games you mentioned was sold at full retail

I think a lot of people underestimate the challenge of emulation. I think if emulation was utilized the way they assume it could be (by having every old console just roughly jammed into the newer one and forced to deal with it) emulated games on consoles would get a bad reputation for the errors inherent in forcing a

I think that, despite how good DKC2, even fans often consider it to be inferior to DKC1. I suppose it depends on your preference... I think DKC2 is definitely more challenging, but I think it’s a little too challenging for many gamers’ taste (mine included). I think if this was the release of DKC1 it would definitely

Oh jeez.. Goji, you alright? You need some baby powder or something? That’s a pretty nasty rash.

That’s generally the accepted reason behind why Autism appears to have increased as vaccinations became more common.

I think that’s the sad truth of it... it reminds me of an episode of Bullshit (and not just the one they did on vaccinations) where they talked about Conspiracy Theories, and how some people can believe so desperately in an illuminati-like secret power that isn’t content to simply control world trade, but is actually

Dealing with her, I just kind of assumed that she would have some kind of “redemption” arc where you do some task she asks you for and eventually she softens or something.

I think she customized the existing products... the cardboard backs wouldn’t be too hard to replicate, although it’s like the plastic from the boxes are just from the original packaging

This really confused me because it was getting reposted on non-sports blogs, since the title alone doesn’t clarify that it’s about Saints player Will Smith and not about movie star Will Smith.

Thank you! Yes, I think that Chris Rock quote encapsulates what I was trying to say a lot better

I second that... I love Nintendo stuff, but the only franchise that I actively buy products from is LoZ.