
I think that’s the problem here... a lot of racism isn’t said by “racists”. I feel like there’s this sense of equating racism as a thing that only applies to dedicated, lifelong racists. Real racism is often subtler... Aside from that, how many people actually self-identify as racists? Even people dedicated to groups

I feel like both poses show off her butt just as much... the second one just shows off more of her personality as well.

lol wow, so this fits in line with that time Gawker managed to trick Trump into retweeting a Mussolini quote without him realizing it...

If not for the seemingly sincere endorsement at the end of the video, I would have assumed this was just a parody to make Trump look petty and satirize the overdramatic way he talks about his political plans

Well, aside from Warcraft’s extension into World of Warcraft (and from there into Hearthstone), none of Blizzard’s franchises really extend outside of their primary genre. Starcraft almost got a single player game years back, but other than that it’s only been in the form of strategy games, and characters in HoTS. I

I remember when Eisenberg was cast as Luthor there were a lot of people saying “Remember all the outrage when they cast Heath Ledger as the Joker? Or how about when they cast Michael Keaton as Batman?” And then Eisenberg turned out to be terrible in the role in exactly the way everyone assumed he would be...

I remember seeing a discussion about this with people arguing that the Netflix series’ aren’t comparable, since they’re told in the form of 13-episode long seasons instead of one movie. But you could take, say... the first 4 episodes of Daredevil season 2, play them back-to-back with no edits to the story, and it

Well, BvS actually did inject some comedy... or uh... it tried to. Except this film’s attempt at humor is Jesse Eisenberg doing a painfully awkward Heath Ledger Joker impersonation...

I was thinking the same thing... the author goes on and on about how we’re all “conditioned” to expect the mix of humor and action that’s prevalent in the marvel films, but hardly mentions that fans were just as excited and passionate for the darker, more serious tones of the Dark Knight trilogy. Then they talk at

I feel kind of bad that this got reported before Nintendo was able to state their stance about harassment not being an issue, and instead focusing on the fact that her second job violated company policy. Whether that’s true or not, it’s a point that deserves to be made before this got posted and everyone automatically

Yeah, it kinda reminds me of his Red Son outfit lol except without the furry hat. If nothing else I’m looking forward to seeing it as an alternate costume for Bats in a future videogame of some kind

I agree :) lol I think I’m just a little pedantic about what I consider “cosplay”. I kind of feel like once you have a professional budget and design team behind it the costume’s not quite as impressive. Although it’s also possible that I’m totally misremembering everything and this is just 4 amazing Superfans who

I wonder if the guys in those sweet Batman suits were disappointed that the movie they spent months recreating the costumes from turned out to be such a dumpster fire...

I think I’ve seen them before... but when I saw it they were part of an official Nickelodeon presentation, so I think those are actually professionally made suits and not fan builds.

I agree... I feel like they should have just tweaked the animation and not made an announcement about it... it’s a beta anyway, so it makes sense that things might change versusthe final product. And I can see someone in the staff thinking that this pose isn’t quite right for the character and just adjusting it in

I think that the idea of outrage over the pose is wildly overblown, but honestly, this actually seems like a change that Blizzard might have made on their own just as they work on the series.

It’s actually down to 30% now... this movie is only slightly higher rated than My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2

I think it’s fair at this point to say that the N64 controller, although it functioned for the games designed for it, was inherently quite flawed. The directional pad and the L button were on their own separate prong, and couldn’t be used in conjunction with the control stick. The C-buttons were also a poor

I’m sorry, I know the post you’re responding to doesn’t mention it, but I actually mention in a few other posts in this discussion that I’m not of the mind that every movie needs to be deep and introspective. Just that the story shouldn’t be so bad that it it lowers the value of the rest of the film.

I agree that movies don’t have to be deep or intellectual to be enjoyable, and I also think that a movie can be well written even if it’s shallow. The two examples you used for fun action movies, Deadpool and Pacific Rim, are also examples I would use of well written movies. Neither is particularly complex, but