
Um, I think you’ve gravely misunderstood my post. You’re essentially agreeing with me... I have been very staunchly opposed to the idea of viewers turning off the brain and never looking at anything with a critical eye. I don’t know how you got the impression that I meant the opposite...

I wonder if that Hardcore Henry movie is gonna be that... it seems to be what they’re going for

That’s true, but I feel like watching a two hour movie and deliberately ignoring 80% of the content on-screen just to watch the 20% with action in it seems like a big waste of time.

I’m not saying that every story has to be revolutionary... I’m just saying that I don’t see why you’d be interested in the moviegoing experience at all if you’re only interested in the visuals. What do you do during the parts of the movie where they’re focused on the plot or setup? The action usually occupies a

I’m sorry, but as an artist and writer myself that mentality really pains me. I wish less people had that mentality

I never got that mentality... if you’re only interested in the exciting visuals, why see a movie at all? You could just wait until someone uploads all the fight scenes and watch them on Youtube. If I’m actually going to go watch a film I’d like for the story to at least not be so bad that it distracts me from enjoying

I’m reading that right now :) I’m about halfway through lol but yeah, I can already see that SOJ is behind the times

The Sonic Boom franchise is in such a weird place... if it was just the games I think it would be completely insane for them to continue this franchise at all... but the show is actually doing fairly well and attracting new fans to the Sonic brand. Who knows... maybe this game will actually address the problems from

Wow, this comment is from 2014 and ZombiU is still on the list... I think these lists are a little too obsessed with having “variety”, so they prioritize console exclusives and try to avoid having multiple entries from a single franchise. Let’s all be honest... you could probably fill 8 of these slots with Mario games

I don’t expect everyone to be able to tell, but there are definitely key differences between the fake art and the original. The art style does change over time, but it’s not like it drastically alters... it actually gradually evolves over time. In the official art the way hands are drawn has gotten more precise and

I think it’s less about being a pokemon fan specifically, and more about whether you have a knack for distinguishing art styles. I’ve had some training in mimicking the art styles of other artists, so it’s helped me a bit in terms of being able to tell when something shares superficial similarities with different art,

I was coming in to say the same thing... not just the trainers, but the pokemon too look like cheap knockoffs. Not to mention that the fire type in this is a bear, but according to series tradition they’ve themed the fire types in each game after the animals of the Chinese new year... so odds are good that the fire

I like the idea of the Bethesda game model, but usually it’s more the execution that I find lacking... I think the problem is often that they’re so dedicated to the open world experience that the narrative, whenever you bump into it, is always a bit weak. At the same time, a lot of Japanese games are simply too

I don’t blame Fahey for this reveal lol although I do wish that Lego and Marvel had put a little more effort into keeping this a secret if they weren’t going to just put it in the trailer.

Well, it’s on the Wii Virtual Console at least... I even managed to replay most of it using the WiiU screen (though for some reason you need to use a second controller to control games in the Wii emulator built into the system)

I remember seeing some weird thing on Tumblr the other day and the sprite wasn’t great so I couldn’t really tell what it was, but based on the context of the post underneath it I realized it was a character from My Little Pony, but with huge tits, and I just now realized it was a mod to this game.

Oddly, I feel like seeing him with actual color just makes it stand out even more... in the film everything’s so greyed out that it doesn’t really stand out as much.

My worry with Federation Force is that it might legitimately kill the Metroid brand... I think Nintendo isn’t confident in the Metroid brand, especially after Other M was pretty much a flop. So I would kind of assume that they’re wary of investing more in the brand fully... so instead they test the water with a

I wonder if there’s any kind of patent on the rage-quit management systems other companies have in place. I can’t remember which games have it, but I recall that there was at least one online game that forced all the rage quitters to only be able to play against eachother. That seems like the most elegant solution,

I’m really only interested in the DLC that expands to include a second territory... can’t say that any of the crafting stuff and minigames seem exciting enough to me to justify the cost.

I’m really only interested in the DLC that expands to include a second territory... can’t say that any of the