
I play mine at home when the tv is occupied. Or on campus in between classes (I go to community college and a butt load of people have 3dses. And a few have vitas.) Or when I want to play a game that is only on a handheld. I don’t really distinguish my handheld/console usage. You don’t need to be a child or someone

is the union willing to wave the membership fees of the musicians performing in this concert since they apparently get paid so much less so therefore can’t afford to join the union?

Now I kinda wish this was a real thing. I could tell you practically everything about DC’s multiversal history up until New 52 cheesed me off.

This just comes across to me as the Union being pissed that they didn’t get theirs and that by the symphony going non-union it allows musicians who don’t want to be a union member opportunities to work without paying union dues.

90 musicians got paid last night for putting on a gig. The union got none of that money.

Well, on the bright side you will NEVER run out of stuff to publish.

Have NOBODY in your life call you on it? Not one time? What kind of freakazoid doomsday compound have these people escaped from?

I mean, eat what makes you happy. Maybe its delicious! But don’t for a second act like this is normal and the server should know...because that is ridiculous.

“If we didn’t win, why do you deserve to get paid? If you don’t succeed in business, you shouldn’t be the first one to step up and complain about getting paid.”

Even the subtitles can’t stand the film.

Have you ever seen Snowden and Scissorhands in the same place tho.

Greaaatt..... so... Ultron has 6 arms? DAMN. I haven’t seen it yet and managed to avoid spoilers up until now

Makes sense. Trying too hard is kind of pewdiepie’s thing.

I just know that at some point before I die I'm going to see a package of hamburger with a warning label "Contains meat." and it's going to be because of one of these idiots.

Ladies, rape is awful and we feel really bad for you but also you need to give birth and preferably parent the kid if you get pregnant.

Sounds like word got out about the first one.

Rosa Parks was specifically chosen by the NAACP as the face of their cause because of her intelligence and unimpeachable character. It seems like Kim Davis was chosen by the far right because of the opposite qualities. So, good call.

She's the anti Rosa Parks.

I just....I can’t help but wonder if this has all spiralled out of this woman’s control and she’s being egged on by a cabal of Evangelicals. I can’t comprehend the zeal to fuck over people who are hurting no one.

I’m so disgusted with this woman. She just won’t stop pissing on people’s rights and does deserve to go back to jail for violating the court orders. Kentucky needs to remove this woman from office and replace her with someone who will do their job.