
I remember for a while Lobo was the Deadpool of the DC Universe (I mean, aside from Deathstroke, who is the DC Deadpool in a more meta sense). They were both cut from the same cloth... initially presented as practical avatars of the grim and gritty 90's, then warped into parodies of that time period, and gradually

I was thinking the exact same thing. With Harley’s evolution as a character over the past decade or so I can see why she would hate The Joker now. But the way they write Joker in this, even at her most love-struck and dimwitted, there’s no point in Harley’s character history where this guy would have given her any

I’m sorry, do you own stock in Kotaku? Why are you so defensive about someone mentioning a different site?

I remember I lost it for a solid like... five minutes when I saw this reblogged on Tumblr

I’ve heard people say that, but honestly the worst Deadpool stories are the ones where there’s no real stakes and it’s just an excuse for the writers to have Pool acting wacky and violent for 24 pages. I think this movie did a good job of keeping an important factor of the character in mind... Deadpool is wacky, but

Actually, I’ve heard that mentioned before, and the important thing is that he’s playing a different character.

I’m willing to bet that there were multiple factors that contributed to the decision. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if CN could easily get past all the guild rules to just bring in all the classic Voice Actors, but just to save themselves the trouble of dealing with the time and money needed just to sort it all out

Unfortunately the exact fees aren’t openly listed online... I only know about it because I had read an article years ago in relation to the Ninja Turtles movie I mentioned, and I didn’t save the URL or anything.

The voice actors guild actually has some ridiculous fees involved with hiring a single voice actor to voice the same character in multiple series’. Not too long ago there was a Ninja Turtles crossover movie between the 80's cartoon Ninja Turtles and the early 2000's cartoon Ninja Turtles... apparently they simply

Um... what? Why did you post this as a reply to my comment?

At first i thought it was some kind of stretcher, since the Ecto 1 is a modified ambulance, but then I realized that they don’t have any other EMT equipment, so why would they have a stretcher?

Huh. I could’ve used one of those as a kid... I remember I had plenty of bricks with teeth marks on them from forcing them apart

What’s that big orange thing?

I just hope that the cock goes erect whenever you enter combat and back to flaccid at neutral :P

I actually bought the 8gb version simply because I happened to already own an external hard drive and I felt like saving some money lol

I can’t remember ever seeing a Vertibird that didn’t crash. Actually the craziest thing that happened was a Vertibird just straight up crashed on me one time.

Before it was revealed to be Ho-Oh, I always kind of assumed that the random mythical bird that Ash sees in the first episode of Pokemon was supposed to be Missingno., based solely on the fact that Missingno.’s only consistent detail is its “bird” typing.

Lol I feel kind of bad because I want to play online a lot with Bayo so I can get good with her, but I also don’t want to keep showing up in matches with 3+ Bayos

That makes sense, but his age is still listed as “10", apparently, even up until the Black and White series. I think they aged him up a little for XY, but I don’t know how much. It’s just a plot hole you end up with in a series like this that has strong continuity, but still wants their main character to be a child.

I think, canonically, Ash has only aged one year or so across all the series’(if 6 years in-story actually passed, he would be 17 or 18 by now). So within the context of the story each series takes up like... 2 months of his life lol