
Thank you; I was about to say the same thing. That’s the thing about fashion... as much as you want a character design to really pop, if you’ve got fashion on the mind you can’t dress like most characters without looking completely insane.

Honestly, I get the idea of the lowered gun mod, but personally I just holster my weapon if I’m in a non-combat situation. I actually kind of wish that people reacted to the fact that the player character walks around pointing their gun at everything, moreso than just making the art change a little to not have the gun

I feel like this whole thing would have, at worst, gotten a few eye rolls or complaints if their copyright was specifically for the phrase “React World”.

I”ve been seeing people making fun of the Fine Bros. for a little while, but surprisingly few people in my circle who comment on it actually gave any context for it. I just assumed they had said something racist or something

I didn’t actually mean to sound so negative... just bad wording on my part, it seems

Ah sorry, I didn’t mean to give the impression that I thought nostalgia was necessarily a bad thing. I was trying to go for a neutral tone in my statement lol but I think I went too far in one direction and it just comes off as negative

Magitek? I feel like with this and XIV Square is really grabbing at VI for nostalgia points. I kind of feel like they’re trying to avoid the later games, since recent Final Fantasies are starting to get more flak, I feel like they’re kind of pushing for tickling the nostalgia of older fans who have given up on the

So... one month, then?

Based on what I know about LootCrate, their prizes are very much “Swag”, in the sense that all the items are, at least partially, intended as advertisements. They tend to theme their crates around either a big movie coming out, or a new show that’s starting, etc. So I think it’s entirely possible, but only if there’s

Isn’t that kind of Meowth’s backstory in the Pokemon cartoon? Like... he’s not a mutation or anything weird, he’s just a normal Meowth who spent the time and energy learning to talk and walk on two legs.

I think you’re right. The name is definitely very neutral, so it’s more on the fans than the game itself for their expectations. I kind of wish that the Tactics series of games were produced more frequently with a mixture of tones and settings... it’s one of those things that just needs to diversify itself a bit more

In general, defining someone exclusively by their illness or injury is generally considered derogatory. Someone who has lost their leg is crippled, but it’s derogatory to call them A Cripple.

Lol I was heading down to the comments section to say the exact same thing. It’s just such an obvious comparison... it’s like Stan Lee coming forward and admitting that the original X-Men stories were an allegory for racism like we hadn’t all figured that out 40 years ago.

Did they turn Velma into a child for that new Scooby Doo or is she just at a really weird perspective? Either way... no thank you. I’ll just rewatch Mystery Inc., I guess.

I think it’s unfortunate that they simply called it “Final Fantasy Tactics”, since that implies some relation to the original game. Granted, it is similar gameplay-wise, but the story is practically a non-issue in FFTA, whereas FFT had one of the better, more complex storylines through out all Final Fantasy. I think

It could be something that simply uses the same mechanics but swaps the character with some other object. As well the game is already designed with DLC in mind, so they could potentially patch some kind of new game mode into the Japanese version.

Oh no... if you think about it, there haven’t been any screenshots or video posted of the scene, since it’s just the character portraits talking to eachother. I think the only thing that gets posted is the character portrait pinup that gets unlocked at the end of the whole ordeal, which is just a pinup of the

I kind of doubt that they’re going to completely remove the ability to S-Rank your relationship with that character... I think it’s more likely that they’re just going to change the text in that scene, since there aren’t any images but the character illustrations during these kind of interactions. They’ll probably

Now playing

His voice is deep, but I don’t think it’s quite as deep as everyone is acting like it is... ist just kinda seems that way because it’s so weird to hear it coming from Pikachu. It actually kind of reminds me of this video, where Egoraptor basically used his normal speaking voice for Pikachu for most of it.

Stuff like this makes me wish I had a proper gaming PC. I play on a Playstation 4, because I was able to snag one on a good Black Friday sale. If I had paid the same price for a PC I doubt it would be able to run games like this very well.