
Unfortunately I’m confident that, since it wasn’t a big selling point for the game, the loss of the feature won’t seriously hurt sales, and thus Nintendo has no reason to add more content or lower the price. The only way I think something like that would happen would be if they saw a big loss in sales, and it was made

Uh... care to elaborate on that?

That’s unfortunately true. Poking and prodding characters seems to be a distinctly Japanese thing, since it seems to happen much more casually in Japanese developed games.

Well, try meeting a dog for the first time and building affection by scratching them behind the ear, then try the same thing with a person. It’s a pretty different experience

I wish they replaced it with some other game element... if nothing else I dislike that, from a gameplay perspective, there is one less element in the game you can use to build relationship points with characters. I’d rather they at least replace it with, I dunno... a simple cooking mini-game or something. Something

My wife and I are in the same boat... we love playing co-op games together, but so few games allow that anymore...

I feel like the latest TMNT movie basically took the idea of adding changesto the story for the sake of being different in the worst possible direction, when they could have honestly just swiped the story of the IDW comic outright and had a lot less problems with their story.

Don’t blame Kamiya on that one... he wanted Bayo2 to be multi-platform, but the only company willing to fund the game was Nintendo.

In-story for this game, is Linkle from the same “timeline” as the Link character? If not then part of me assumes that she literally is “Girl Link”, in that she’s the reincarnation of Link in her particular timeline who just happened to reincarnate as a girl for a change. I’d have to see more clearly how she integrates

The way this guy works I think he’s more likely to just make a new game rather than add DLC or microtransactions.

Dang... how much money is Cawthorne making on the FNAF franchise that he can justify giving potentially months more time to refine this game, then also give it away for free at the end? I’m happy to see his dedication to his fans, though I do hope he doesn’t put himself (and his family) in any financial strain with

You do good work man lol I saw a ton of your pics get posted around when Pokemon Go was first announced too

I feel on some level they probably just planned to make the character a Cyrax/Sektor/Smoke combo character, and already had the name programmed in and the character announced when someone figured out a way to add Robo-Sub-Zero mode without too much extra work.

I think the difference I’ve noticed is that McFarlane figures are generally not very poseable... they’re well sculpted, but generally have a rotatable arms, maybe a moveable torso. They’re usually balanced in a way that they can stand up. I agree $400 is more than something like this would be worth if it was more mass

Yeah, it’s kinda weird that they just flipped the entire game world to facilitate making Link right-handed for TP. I might honestly pick up this game just because having the world flipped the “correct” way could potentially make the game even more interesting.

Oh no, yokels will have slightly different things happen when watching rich people drive in a circle for hours on end. How horrifying.

I thought it was okay for the sword swinging, but what I really liked it for was aiming my weapons. I used my bow and arrow a lot more in this game than pretty much any other Zelda title just because it was so much easier to use this time around. I was actually pretty disappointed that Skyward Sword used the

I totally agree... I remember there was a point in the Institute Quest line (and technically, in the Railroad quest line as well, since you had to work your way into the Institute) that required you to go to a Brotherhood occupied location to get a specific piece of technology before the Brotherhood did. However, just

I know what you mean... I especially miss how in NV you had very specific dialogue options that only popped up if you took the Ladykiller perk, but in 4 all it does is increase the odds of every speech check with women. Lol not to mention that NV also had same-gender perks, if one preferred...