
I got this on Black Friday, and I still haven’t even torn the plastic wrap off of the Nathan Drake collection lol I’ve just been putzing around Fallout 4 for the past two months...

I got this on Black Friday, and I still haven’t even torn the plastic wrap off of the Nathan Drake collection lol

I’m looking forward to seeing someone pull off a super low-level run of the game.

I often have the feeling where a feeling of empathy for something is turned to active dislike through having to deal with the fandoms. For example, I never really cared about Evangelion... it wasn’t something I enjoyed, but I recognized that there was nothing really wrong with it. But for a while I was surrounded by

Oh? I never even attempted it since the chance of the speech check passing is so low, and I don’t like the idea of save scumming to get past stuff like that

Really? Because I found once you build her chair she just sits in it staring into the distance all day... I can’t remember the last time I even saw her not sitting in it.

So... did Kojima bang the CEO’s wife or something? Konami is practically taking a scorched earth policy toward their whole videogame department

That always really bugged me, since the Megaman series always had an established naming convention for their Robot Masters/Mavericks. It sort of gave X5 a slight air of illegitimacy...

As someone who has often identified himself as an old-school JRPG fan, reading this list made me realize that I actually haven’t really played that many of them. Almost exclusively I’ve been limited to the Final Fantasy Games, with a few odds and ends picked up on the side (though a lot of those still from Square)

Try maxing out your charisma and popping in New Vegas again. There are some side-quests that can’t be accomplished without violence, but the actual core story and a fair majority of side quests can actually be completed without firing a single shot.

Well, pretty much all the staff who worked on the original DMC left to form Platinum Games, and Bayonetta is basically the spiritual Successor to the original series... though I guess the entries kind of work if we look at it as Bayonetta showing up and beating the hell out of the “pretender”.

I was going to mention the same thing... it feels really weird that all the entries with Dante used DMC-Dante

Same here. My wife had never seen the trailer before and she was losing it in her seat. I think it was telling that the next trailer after that in my theater was for Kung Fu Panda 3, and that barely got any laughs except from a group of young kids sitting near the front.

lol I almost posted the exact same thing, but I caught myself and checked his other replies to make sure no one else said it already.

He actually looks older at 23 than he looks now...

lol try and find the Smash Bros./Splatoon bundle

Pop in your copy of Bayo 2 and spend the night with Bayo lol

I’m sorry, but who wants to see this pic when the Bayo illustration has FRIGGIN’ EVERYONE!

Ahhhhh I know that her Amiibo probably won’t be compatible with virtually any other game, but I don’t care! I need that Bayo Amiibo!

Cloud in Smash: