
I agree, this near-total abandonment of their world-famous gaming division seems almost... resentful. Like some higher up got insulted in some way and is going out of their way to demolish the system. Or at the very least maybe there’s someone up top who flat out just doesn’t like gaming. It sort of reminds me how a

Unfortunately, that is quite true. But the higher ups in Konami are not actually gamers themselves, so from their perspective it was simply a product that cost a lot to make and didn’t make a lot of money. They don’t see it from the perspective that the quality was not up to what it should have been and if it had been

The sad thing for gamers is that Konami actually doesn’t particularly make that much money from their games in comparison to their other electronics, sold mostly in Japan. Lots of people winced at the announcement that Konami was shelving their gaming department but still releasing a Castlevania-themed pachinko

Huh... I kind of remember noticing that, but I had assumed it was just a pile of junk at the bottom and it was my general paranoia at the time causing me to think that it looked like something more...

I remember getting there... with the loud roaring in the background and surrounded by the ominously named “Dunwich Borers”... I was legitimately relieved to find it was “just” a creepy altar with a sacrificial blade and not, as I had assumed, some kind of Lovecraftian horror waiting to murder me.

I kind of hope that this happens with anything like this in the future so that anything that does legitimately get leaked can just get lost in the flood of fakes. It kind of reminds me of a tactic I heard someone talk about for when they realize they’ve accidentally spoiled something for a friend... just follow it up

Wow man, how insecure are you? Do you just hate Star Wars so much that you force criticisms of it into everything you say or is this a special occasion? Because I have literally not heard a single person make the Star Wars comparison before you brought it up.

That’s a clever idea; a nice little pressure sensitive button on the bottom. It would be pretty cool if you could calibrate it so that if it’s empty the bottle alone isn’t heavy enough to press the switch

I’m not really interested unless they either sell it an a Nuka-Cola shaped bottle lol preferably with a blue LED on the bottom

Okay, but did they still get the police called on them for both wearing turbans and owning a truck?

I just meant that the specific problems I mentioned (the always online necessity, the inability to trade used games, the need for the Kinect to always be on) were problems that were quickly dealt with before the system even came out. But they were still widely reported on, and the only people now who still think that

Um... I don’t quite get your tirade against the casual market, because everything you’re saying seems to agree with what I meant in my post. I’m sorry if I didn’t explain myself very well, but yes, I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment.

The Xbone definitely struggles with reconnecting with the casual market who got turned off by the initial pitch. I know people who got the PS4 because they still believed the stuff about needing to always be connected to the internet, not being able to trade in games, and concern that the Kinect would need to be

Actually, all of the “game world” assets are available on every disk. What actually took up so much space that it necessitated those additional discs were the cut scenes. There are ways to trick the system into reading the wrong disc at times, and it really only messes up when it comes time to show a cut scene.

Considering you could buy a physical copy right now for about $5, I don’t think it’s too ridiculous to think that a digital re-release of a decade old game would be under 10

Whoah whoah whoah... we get to actually be investors? Like if this thing makes money we actually get paid for it too?

Took advantage of that super-swag Playstation 4 on sale online... I didn’t even leave my house on Friday. As a former retail employee I kind of make a point of never going shopping anywhere for any reason on Black Friday. My sink was clogged with stuff that should have been thrown in the garbage instead of flushed

The Dreamcast was kind of a mythical object to me when it first came out... Although the graphics have a lot of troubles now, at the time it was amazing what it could do that the other products of the time could. But that’s not really the reason it felt kind of magical to me was also why it had such a short

I feel pretty lucky that I was a child that grew up along with gaming consoles... I was born in ‘86 and basically started playing NES as soon as I was old enough to wrap my head around the concept. The SNES hit at the perfect time of my youth that it felt like it lasted a decades worth of my memories. Now as I’m

I agree 100%