
This makes me want to invest in a proper gaming PC so I can buy Fallout 4 and eventually find a mod to replace Dogmeat with a Welsh Corgi or a puggle

Don’t tease me about Bayo in Smash I will legit pay full-game price just for her.

I remember my younger brother and I had the two versions, and somehow it became my responsibility to restart my game 6 times so we could both get the full roster of starters...

Well, Cloud has appeared in some games that have appeared in Nintendo consoles... still, I think a character from an earlier FF would have been more appropriate, even if they’re not as popular.

I kind of wish Splatoon had separate slots for hats and facial accessories... I feel like those bandanas would look cool with the right hat, but they look a little off on their own.

If I can get it at a solid discount I might want to replay this, if only for Midna, since I feel like she was the most entertaining part. I wonder if it will be motion-based controls or if they’ll be releasing it with standard controls in mind... even better if you have the option of both. I played it on Wii but I was

I kind of wonder about the idea of “premium controllers”... especially official ones. My worry is that, at some point in the future, if the practice of making premium controllers becomes common we’ll start to get the official controllers lowered in quality... with manufacturers getting the attitude that they should

Agreed... Spec Ops, though, was an entirely different beast. Spec Ops was a game that appeared to be a traditional shooter, but built gradually to a big reveal that forced the player to re-examine everything they’ve been through, even everything they casually do in other games. This was intense scene in CoD but

Huh. Now that he mentions it the jackets at least seem military-inspired

The other thing is, if they present the idea of “you have to not save Chloe for the future to be saved” would just be a rehash of “You have to let Chloe’s father die for the future to be saved.” This idea of going back in time through the photograph is very clearly set up, and not cashing in on that would make the

Is is just me, or does building an Evangelion-themed vehicle seem about the same as founding a robotics company called Skynet, or inventing a surveillance system called Big Brother?

Stuff like this is why I like working from home... I get to get up at more or less when I want to, and I can take a decent amount of time in the morning to get into my groove, even if it means working later than usual. I don’t want people to think that I’m just doing whatever I want without a care in the world... I

I actually specifically used Fallout 3 as an example because I haven’t played the original Fallouts, and I didn’t want to make any assumptions. It’s actually good to know that the original Fallout games are actually an even better example

I feel like this would be really hard to implement, especially in some open-world games that don’t necessarily have properly defined levels, or where missions can occur contextually based on your actions in the rest of the game. Like... how would this apply to Fallout 3? Although I suppose in that game the only real

If they launch a brand new game with the paid mod system attached it should work, but while Skyrim seems ideal because it already has such a loyal modding community, the community is just too complicated to be able to handle it at this point.

Stuff like this is basically why I’ve given up on DC comics lately. This happened back in the original Crisis on Infinite Earths... an attempt to consolidate their multiverse with the intent to make the stories more unified and approachable just made everything more confusing. Now I feel like if I were to get into DC

Lol I was coming down to the comments to say the same thing. It’s one thing to have an unusual food preference, but I can’t imagine how someone could go through life under the impression that jelly is a common topping for pizza. Like... you would have to somehow spend your entire life only ever going to one pizza

I can confidently say that I, personally, have never gotten to know a person who proudly displays a confederate flag in some way (whether through actual flag, bumper sticker, or the tried and true trucker cap) that wasn’t also racist. I can’t say that they don’t exist, but I’ve never gotten to know one.

Ohhhhhh, sick political burn!

I wasn’t sure about him... in a weird way I had the feeling that he hadn’t really “earned” it. He’s new to the whole comedy scene in general... even among African comics he’s very new, but he gets more exposure partly because he’s young and has a classy accent. He’s even new as a Daily Show correspondent. Partly I