
lol actually he has a different transformation in the movie I was just commenting on how the 6-armed thing is, I think, more interesting than his transformation he actually goes through in the movie.

I think you have a solid point, but I think that a greater visual difference between his forms would have been appreciated. The six arm thing probably would have been taking it too far... actually thinking about it something I would have liked is if he had the emotionless robot face he has in the comic, then in that

I remember in age of Ultron there was the scene where Ultron destroys his old body to reveal... a slightly larger new body. Though I guess that one was made of Vibranium? Either way, if his new body had the extra arms I feel like that reveal would have had a lot more weight

I hope so too. I knew her back in college so I haven’t heard from her in years. All her old online accounts (like facebook, etc.) have been inactive for years... I assume to avoid that guy.

I know someone who gave birth to a baby after being raped... it was a horrible experience for her, but her family’s conservative outlook on life had them shame and demean her for even entertaining the idea of an abortion. It’s true that she loves her son now, but the courts of the state she lives in has also given

I don’t have any reason to suspect this, but I’m going to go ahead and assume this is somehow tied to the latest bad Hitman movie.

This, I think, is the problem with the writing in Kingdom Hearts overall. The mindset of the writers seems to be that having something be convoluted or confusing is the same as being deep. So what you end up with is an incredibly shallow story that takes an unnecessary amount of time to explain, and needlessly wordy

I remember I found out what a Whiskey Neat was when I saw Who Framed Roger Rabbit as a child. I didn’t get the joke where Eddie ordered a whiskey on the rocks, and then clarified that he meant “ice”. Even with that clue I didn’t understand what was weird about him getting a whiskey with actual rocks in it, so my dad

Ouch... that sucks, especially considering there’s pretty much nothing else coming out for the WiiU this year... Although I’m much happier with the idea of delaying a game to make it better, instead of releasing a sub-par game and hitting the deadline

Wow, it seems like we’re constantly talking about how scummy this game is when it comes to money stuff like this....

I know... Hawlucha is my favorite new mon from the new games and it suks to have this new pikachu pretty much only because you just need to change a few effects and it would just be a good Hawlucha

Wait... do you play as Freddy and the animatronics in this game

Well, I say good luck to him, though I can’t possibly conceive of what his show would actually be...

so how is this all going to work functionally within the games? I’m guessing that the “Zygarde Cell” is going to be treated as essentially a highly specialized Egg as far as actual gameplay is concerned. If that’s the case maybe these are all just going to be evolutionary levels... probably with some kind of specific

Okay, that actually makes some kind of sense. I was wracking my brain trying to figure out that dog form... it feels so random, since the rest of the forms seem to follow some basic evolutionary logic (by Pokemon standards, at least).

I feel guilty because I have a tendency to step in and speak when my wife is talking to someone she doesn’t know... she has a habit of panicking and overexplaining stuff. I talked to her about it once and she explained that it’s kind of because she would regularly get interrupted and have her statements ignored that

I love how his belt and all his gear gives him a serious Journey to the West vibe. Most fan stuff I see either goes whole-hog withe JttW referenes or just omits them ompletely. It’s fun to see a solid middleground

Considering the state of Konami I don’t think you can expect to see Metal Gear on anything but a Pachinko machine within the foreseeable future.

It’s basically a way to be super cheap while still alleviating their personal guilt about it. They convince themselves that this is a better item than actual money, and thus they can convince themselves that it’s okay to leave it behind instead of money and still feel like a good person on their end. As a bonus, if

I like how the enemies that already fly can be given wings and for the most part they dont’ seem to do anthing