
Okay I’m gonna show my super-nerdiness... I just realized that they gave Chewbacca humanoid hands and fingers, whereas canonically Wookiees actually have long, sloth-like claws hidden by their forearm hair.

There is some leeway in regards to counterfeiting... the main thing is whether or not the item in question could reasonably be mistaken for actual legal tender. Sort of like how some stores sell toy cash registers with paper play-money that all says ‘fake” or “toy” on it. Most of the time the pamphlets are actually

I wonder if anyone in the world has ever been happy to get one of those things?

Ah, thanks for clarifying

So... I’m not super familiar with Disney Infinity, but this is a fan-created level, right? I feel like that should be clarified in the actual article, because the way its written implies that this is an official game mode made by Disney

Were they the types who left Chick Tracts or in lieu of tips or, even worse, those fake fifty dollar bills that say something about greed and worshipping Jesus?

I kind of felt like Broad City is a more literal interpretation of “Two Broke Girls”... as in actually being a more accurate representation of being two girls living in New York without having a lot of money... as opposed to what the creator of Sex and the City thinks being broke is probably like.

Hmm with his scouter and fancy backpack I think his powers might be tech-based....

Wow that was pretty pathetic... just a few groupings of items designed in the shape of FNAF characters. And was that supposed to be the song that Freddy plays when he’s about to kill you? They couldn’t even make it a night level?

I’m withholding any serious optimism for this game until I see what the actual gameplay is

This lines up well with what Miyamoto said in the past about how he treats the Mario cast as “actors” who simply fill roles depending on the game... which is why Mushroom Kingdom looks vastly different from game to game, or why Mario and Bowser will have a harmless round of tennis or a go-kart race together between

Did anyone else feel kind of bad for Mewtwo in that video? Like... he was just hanging out and suddenly a huge crowd of nerds shows up and starts beating the shit out of him.

I can just imagine some kind of lengthy R&D montage where you see a group of scientists all building increasingly more ridiculous controller options... then at the end they present an X-Box controller with an apple logo taped over the Xbox logo.

I missed the Majora’s mask New 3ds since I didnt have money at the time, but I might just end up picking this up...

Hold it sideways to play games? How? There’s no freakin’ buttons on it! I get that something like the iphone or whatever doesn’t have dedicated buttons because, at it’s core, it’s not a gaming machine. But if you’re going to sell a peripheral for your system that is explicitly a gaming controller, you need ideally a

I don’t know if it says something about me or about the kind of articles that normally appear on this site, but the title had me assuming that this article was going to be about some kind of sexist, badly written comic that clumsily tries to shoehorn in Wondy as a shallow grab at feminism or something similar. It’s

Even if they never get official releases, I’d say get ready for a lot of modified Toon Link amiiboes

Wow they gave him a ponytail and everything

As dumb as this is, I think it’s better to just make Star Wars themed versions of normal board games, as opposed to back when they tried to create original board games that struggle to adapt the movie or show’s story into some kind of over-complicated facsimile with cheap cardboard pieces.