Pretty cool I appreciate them using this as a chance to explain general information about damage in this game as part of it.
Pretty cool I appreciate them using this as a chance to explain general information about damage in this game as part of it.
Well, to be fair that’s more my opinion of late night talkshows in general. I think it comes from having to produce a show every single night under very strict network restrictions.
Meh... fuck Jimmy Kimmel. Not for this, specifically... just because he’s boring and unfunny.
Isn’t lag like... a two-way thing? I think if someone’s got a laggy connection the two of you are basically in the same boat. Although I admit that I would prefer to have regional options in the game if only to reduce potential lag, but wow, the specific vitriol aimed at the Japanese is kind of shocking.
Wait... the costumes that are unlocked by Amiibo can also just be unlocked in-game without having to buy them? Am I reading that correctly?
Reminds me of that South Park episode where the boys couldn’t figure out why all the kindergarteners were more excited about watching pewdiepie play a videogame than actually play it themselves, and whining how people were just watching videos on their computer instead of TV. Then gradually the episode got to the…
This reminds me of something my wife told me about the school she went to in Kentucky, where she was literally told that Native Americans were extinct (I’m a Native American, btw). They also had a mural of the Trail of Tears... where all the Natives in the painting were smiling and laughing, and she was told that it…
Did anyone else just instinctively read this in Mario’s voice?
I was worried from the title that you were going to trash the Opera scene, but I’m glad to see a nice balanced look at this weirdly iconic moment in gaming. For a game full of spectacular set pieces, its interesting how this scene has become so beloved by gaming fans over the years, especially considering that most of…
I really wish the XL had the faceplates. I never upgraded because I have my shiny gold 3DSXL from Link Between Worlds, and I don’t want to downgrade to the plain model or spend a ridiculous amount of money to get the Majoras Mask New3DSXL. The face plates would have won me over, but I’m just too used to my big sexy…
I like Shovel Knight and all, but I would actually pre-order a Shantae amiibo
Hmm... if there’s a way to do it I haven’t found it yet. It would be great if Netflix had a nice easy to find options menu...
It’s automatic... I think my WiiU downloaded it automatically because I didn’t even get an announcement and the new UI was up when I started it up.
Just tested it, and no. Even if you’re navigating the main menu with the wii remote it turns itself off as soon as you start up Netflix.
Testing it out just now, yes it is notably faster. I could scroll through the menu without any major lag
Oh snap that is literally the only reason I would ever watch Netflix on my PS3 instead of my WiiU. I don’t always use the touch screen, but I do like having the option...
“A level where goombas are your worst enemy.”