
I think so too, but I’m still a bit iffy on the idea. Although what I wouldn’t be too surprised about would be if they just adapted specific minigames from Mario Paint for Mario Maker without necessarily adapting the entire game. Like... if you could unlock just the fly-swatting minigame or the music maker I wouldn’t

I think they’re one of the few companies that could probably make good use of the character. Plus I’m pretty sure Gearbox only finished Duke Nukem Forever just so they could get their hands on the character and actually do something good with him.

lol well I was just kind of hoping this would lead to people just listing various Vs. suggestions

Star Trek vs. Star Wars

Oh wow, the font is even nearly the same. Just a bit more vertical...

Normally I’d say Nintendo wouldn’t do that just because they would rather sell the game on the Virtual Console (which is why, for example, they stopped putting classic games as unlockables in Animal Crossing). But since Mario Paint requires the SNES mouse it would make sense to instead do a proper port to take

It’s interesting to see the occasional moments in this game that subtly remind you that this is not a game that would work with real life paper and ink cards. Could you imagine how tiny the text on this card would have to be in order to work for a real world card game?

I think that’s true, but functionally Cait Sith is probably your worst party member in-game. He doesn’t particularly excel at any skill, and his Limit Breaks are unreliable at best. I think giving him a more defined role in the party would be better than just dumping him entirely... although I think that’s a general

As I recall, weren’t there a lot of staff from Animal Crossing contributing to this game as well? Because I feel like that’s kind of the base for a lot of this stuff... there’s honestly not really that much content in Animal Crossing compared to, say... The Sims. But by building a game that’s enjoyable in short bursts

This sort of reminds me of a series I saw on Youtube a while ago called “Chainmail Bikini Squad”, which started with the same basic idea as the first episode you mentioned here. However, instead of continuing to focus on RPG tropes they just started... making stuff up. Like one of the characters gained a level and her

Since the WiiU is capable of playing Wii games, I think I personally would prefer if they focused on releasing interesting games that are hard to find even used copies of. Like... if I really feel like playing Mario Galaxy I could probably find a physical copy fairly easily.

I was heading to the comments to see if anyone had made the same point I was about to, and you pretty much hit the nail on the head. The battle mode in this game isn’t better in any way by limiting itself to race tracks instead of dedicated battlegrounds... it’s simply acceptable on some level if you don’t treat them

Isn’t this just scenes from the movie? I didn’t even watch the latest episode because I assumed they’d just split Battle of the Gods into a four-parter... Personally I think it’s a bit silly that they bothered re-animating these scenes at all.

But his response doesn’t even address the issue. Yes, the rest of the article gives more details, but the question seemed to be more expressing shock that Vimeo doesn’t have some kind of policy in place to protect content that is clearly half a decade older than the material supposedly being infringed upon. The

Wow, way to be a defensive prick. I can’t believe you’re getting upvotes for insulting a reader with a valid question just because you didn’t understand what they were asking about.

I don’t disagree with that, but the sense I”m getting from this is that they seem willing, and perhaps even enthusiastic, about doing something blatantly terrible that doesn’t seem to really benefit them without a lot of really roundabout thinking, simply to keep them in a moral grey area. Like... if they just killed

On the one hand this seems pretty well written and all... but it seems to have the Omega men make blatantly forced, cartoonishly evil actions to maintain the intended story of them being radical extremists who just happen to be fighting a larger, more evil opponent, as opposed to making them into a more traditional

Maaaaaan every time someone creates a “hoverboard” it’s always followed by like... twenty asterisks...

I’m curious now... which N64 games do you all think you would actually purchase if made available? I remember on the Wii when Nintendo focused a lot on the Virtual Console, and I realized that I was barely interested in most of the games they had for sale. I’ve bought a few, sure, but I don’t know anyone who

Everyone shits on Dinklage’s performance, but there have been solid sources (such as David Cross’s comments) that more energetic, entertaining takes were recorded of many of the characters in the story, but the game designers seemed to have deliberately kept the blandest, most milquetoast takes for some reason. The