
A game like Five Nights at Freddy’s is definitely something that you have to allow yourself to invest into on some level for the scares to really work. If you look at it on a purely technical level there are jump scares triggered by specific actions, and if you fail those actions a loud noise will play. I think

I absolutely do not want them to make this something other than a menu based classic combat system. What I wouldn’t mind, however, is to have something akin to Final Fantasy X where each individual character has a bit of a unique skill or ability that no one else has, making who is in your team more than a cosmetic

I really hate that you’re probably 100% correct...

Well goodbye Konami, it was nice knowing you... thanks for all those childhood memories, I guess.

I’m actually curious about what he was able to get from Scott Cawthorne, the creator of the FNAF games. There’s definitely a consistent story within the games themselves, though the games are deliberately vague and occasionally misleading... in many ways it’s the lack of detail that keeps some fans so interested.

This is the perfect movie for practical effects, because even if the robots end up cheap and unconvincing... well, that’s kind of the point, isn’t it?

From what I’ve heard from others (I sure as hell wasn’t going to pay to see it) was that Poltergeist was competently directed and passable, but was simply far inferior to the original.

I think a big part of that is level design. Both the original Megaman games and shovel Knight relied a lot on what felt like a series of individual challenges... You get into a new room, the screen scrolls over, the enemies pop in, and you sort of stop to deal with the challenge of that room and then move on. MN9

I’ve seen a lot of people picking on Mighty No. 9 for having fairly average visuals compared to other games with lower budgets, and I’ll agree they’re not stunning or anything. But was anybody funding this game purely for the visuals? The gameplay still looks super solid and a lot of fun. The sample level looks a

Just glancing at the gif out of the corner of my eye I thought this was just a picture of Danny Sexbang dancing.

I don’t really think it’s a “clickbait and switch” if the joke is only funny if you don’t have it ruined for you. If this had been titled “Humorous video satirizes Call of Duty by pretending it was made by Indie Developers” then that’s the whole setup of the joke ruined.

I had a friend order a drink like that at Starbucks once, but for him it was mostly out of morbid curiosity to see what a drink made of that many espresso shots would actually be like... Didn’t quite give him the shot of energy he had been hoping for. Mostly it just isolated him in the bathroom for about twenty

People like that aren’t interested in the food... they’re interested in being served. The act of giving their order is empowering to them... in some small way it’s a direct sign of control they have over their environment. You’ll see it in any work environment, whether it’s a situation like above, or even at a retail

I actively dislike Angry Birds... lots of little criticisms... mostly because I was working at a Wal-Mart and there were Angry Birds dog toys that kids would pick up and just walk around the store squeaking all day. Anyway, that said, this looks really cool, and might be the best use of the Angry Birds license I’ve

Ugh... for the most part I don’t care about F2P bullshit games, since for the most part it’s only used on games that aren’t really worth playing in the first place. But it really sucks to see an actual good, high quality franchise eaten up by it.

It’s always weird when a game franchise absolutely nails it the first time, then when it comes time to make sequels and spinoffs they change some of the fundamental elements that made the first game good to begin with. Literally if they just took the original Puzzle Quest, replaced all the art assets with Adventure

I used Nintendo TVii a lot when I just wanted to see what was on, since it was very convenient for me as someone who only has a basic cable subscription that comes included with the rent at my apartment. However, Comcast eventually changed their cable system, requiring everyone to have a set top box of some kind even

Wait, President Kevin James and Sandler are still close friends who communicate regularly at the start of the film? And Sandler still works for ersatz Geek Squad? Like... I get maybe President Kevin James couldn’t fudge the records enough to give his close buddy a cabinet position, but I think a letter of

I mentioned it in another article, but I think, for Evo at least, they should retire Smash Bros. Melee and just make custom/non-custom tournaments. If you’re going to have two Smash tournaments running anyway, I feel like this makes sense. To me Melee has had its time... it would be sort of like if EVO still ran

It’s not like Madden or anything where each new game is essentially the same thing with new mechanics and balances... each game is basically a standalone adventure, and each game in the series has its own strengths and weaknesses.