
This kind of reminds me something that happened to my wife when she was working at Wal-Mart. A woman got into her checkout lane with a screaming, rambunctious child in the seat of the shopping cart. The kid was a menace, knocking things over, grabbing at the candy, grabbing at other customers products. The woman just

Oh man, I remember the first time playing, where I hadn’t really read much about the game beforehand. I knew I was connected to the internet, but I didn’t realize the other robed figures I met were real people at first. I ran into a few, since people were popping in and out, but then at some point I realized the

I think most Kickstarter projects don’t get as many jokes since very few of them are nearly as public as this one. I’m sure if any other Kickstarter project ends up announced during a publisher’s E3 presentation in the future they’ll be hit with similar internet backlash.

I’m not agreeing with his comment on the caveat that the excess money is coming from somewhere else. I think a lot of people are taking his original comment far too literally... I’m aware that most of the money is actually coming from Sony and that the kickstarter money is more just proof of public interest for

I’ve seen a lot of people try to debunk your comment because you don’t have the numbers 100% accurate, but I think the spirit of your comment still very much holds true. Even ignoring inflation, this isn’t even half the budget the previous Shenmue games have required.

I kind of felt like custom moves would have some balance issues, since I’m sure there’s a lot of metagame stuff that Nintendo couldn’t really anticipate before the game got released to the public. Personally, though, I want to see custom moves... I just feel like it should at least be a separate tourney for now. I

So... basically Splatoon :P

How are people still playing Destiny? It seems like the designers seem openly dedicated to making sure anything you accomplish ends up completely worthless by the time the next patch or expansion rolls around.

I contend that maybe we should start treating the way games are credited more like they are in film. Granted it depends on the game... not every game has someone like Kojima who is definitively in charge, but I think it would be a good thing for us to start treating game designers the way we do other creatives. It

I wonder what it means by “fight against cybercrime”? I remember someone from Lizard Squad talking about how if they got caught it would just lead to a lucrative life as a professional hacker (which does happen, on occasion, with criminal hackers using their knowledge of computers to lead to a career in digital

I think they deliberately made them a bit wide and round so that they would look smaller under the correct perspective. It’s sort of like how the guy who played Gimli in Lord of The Rings is actually huge, but through camera angles and stuff his huge size actually helped to make him look more squat and wide. If they

I’ve said this same thing on an earlier Destiny article, but I wanted to say again that everything I have pretty much ever read about Destiny has made me happy that I’ve never purchased or played the game.

Having played a few games that have repeating jokes in dialogue... they do lose their oomph over time, but to be honest I still prefer that over games that just had no personality from the get-go.

Duuuude plus I wish I could give you more than one star for going the extra step to find that thread

Some of the puppet-makers from Crank Yankers have worked at Jim Henson studios in the past, so it kind of makes sense that they would share a few generic designs

How is Little Inferno consistently on this list?

What is it with people these days who think that if they just say, “Oh no, I didn’t say that... I said ____” that suddenly everyone will believe them? This is shockingly common in political circles... for a long time I assumed this came from old, out of touch men who have been in politics for decades... back when

I’ve actually only preordered one game in my life, and that was Wind Waker, and that was also only to get the gamecube version of Oot and Majora’s Mask. Weirdly, I didn’t even end up picking up my copy of Wind Waker... I don’t even remember why, but for some reason I just never picked it up.

Personally, I don’t have data to back it up... but I think they were banking on people who already owned the game plunking down the money just for these few items. I think anyone who works with online games is aware that, for a certain set of people, cosmetics are important. Especially in a world where, despite

I haven’t played Advance Wars, but I would imagine if it has that multiplayer element it must have been balanced with that in mind for it to work soundly.