
I've been reading comments and getting so upset at the judgement without understanding all the factors, and then you show up. Thank you. I stayed with my husband through so much shit. I felt isolated, we moved to Louisiana and my closest family was 9 hours away. I didn't work because day care is fucking expensive and

I guess none of them bothered to get educated.

But that woman sure chose her shitty boyfriend over her kids. All together now: "Fuck her."

As a child whose mother failed to protect her from abusive stepfathers/boyfriends, I say fuck her. Children are utterly defenseless and can't leave an abusive situation under their own power. This woman's kids didn't choose her shitty boyfriend.

Yeah, there's a ton of starving people who'd be stoked if we didn't use up all the land and water and food they could be eating to raise the cows that we like to eat. That's actually how that works. Oh yeah, and those chewy fajitas that they threw away, I bet those starving people loved that! I wish I could sterilize

The moment at which you start screaming and hurling swears at an employee is the moment at which you deserve absolutely no sympathy or understanding whatsoever.

I didn't realize until you said that that I totally saw it in my head with Hyperbole and a Half illustrations.

I'm making so many vom faces.

This will never get old.

I feel like that crazy Coffee Latte story needs to be a Hyperbole and a Half blog post, it needs Allie's glorious illustrations to depict that woman's rage.

Now playing

He goes on to explain that every time a "waitress" does something he doesn't like, he takes a dollar off the stack and puts it back in his wallet. According to him, this guarantees EXCELLENT "waitress" behavior. He ends it with, "And it doesn't matter anyway, we live in [a state] where the restaurant has to pay them

P.S. You really should take up eating meat again. Millions of people starve to death every day and would gladly trade places with you.

P.S. You really should take up eating meat again. Millions of people starve to death every day and would gladly trade places with you.

Yeah, scarlet fever is pretty rare these days. I had it in the late 80s (I guess my folks didn't notice the strep symptoms until it got that bad), but I don't know anyone else my age that's had it.

+1000 internets for using Wrath as your expansion title pun.

I cannot stop laughing at the (accurate) concept of the New Testament being the Bible Expansion Pack. The Bible: (A Distinct Lack of) Wrath of the Jew King.

That's probably exactly what happened. He's just trying to be a smug pompous asshole for attention, nothing more.

Sorry asshole, but "bigots" isn't a protected class.

This post reminded me that I need to pick up my vegan uterus-shaped ice cream cake with "abortions rule" script.

Here's a link to the gofundme info to help support the baker's legal fund.