
That's true, they are non-ridiculous. Just kind of...narcissistic?

Know what bothers me most about the Smiths? (And it's really not their fault but...)

Yes this! I completely understand how this could happen. I'm so glad everything worked out for you though. Like it's really comforting to hear that there are other people who are willing to share their experiences (and oh my that sounds like an experience), because honestly I like hearing that you know it may not be

lmao! can you imagine if that's how everyone approached it, that would be terrible! - although weddings would probably be less "grand" occasions, which might be better for everyone else

Will you be my benevolent magical fairy godparent? I love that you were so enamoured with your ability to bring me out of the greys, thanks!!

Thank you! As someone currently preparing for my wedding, this is very useful information :) I've always wondered what makes the first year of marriage so hard - I always assumed it was from another era where it meant you were both living away from home/but together for the first time so your life was toppled upside

obviously that's her personal phone so when someone steals her private info in the cloud they won't get her sexy pics...duh. She's clearly sexting right now.

I guess I just didn't read it as them falling in love. It was romantic in the other sense of the word (full of drama, vivid emotions) but I wouldn't call it a love story... But what do I know lol

but it's not a romance? I mean I can see how it would be put that way but I don't remember feeling like it was a love story while reading it...

I don't know, this looks almost like a kiss? But it could just be the awkward angle before/after a hug too.

yes Western has a reputation as a party school, but it also has a reputation of "holy crap you got into a Western? You must be super smart". It is known for being a good school, it's just also one of the largest, so of course it's going to be more susceptible to partying.

Tiny little bookstore. There was a woman you could tell was the manager but wasn't actually working - either her shift had ended or she had just popped in for a few minutes - talking with the cashier, urging him to get out from behind the register (small store, focus on client contact right? sure)

summer camp, first time horseback riding. I thought my legs were bleeding from the horse, didn't realize the cramps in my stomach were related thought I was having a bad reaction to the camp food.

My high school actually did a production of it which is how I found it - quite lovely some of it - I agree some bits are a little clunky for sure, but others are pretty catchy/chilling

Now playing

So there's a musical based on these women too "Sideshow" it has some hauntingly beautiful music

Oh My GOODNESS! That is UNREAL! I love it!

Oh that's AWESOME. I like taking nice glasses from restaurants (Never done it myself, but have assisted others in doing so).

Oooooh wow definitely deserved it. But I still wouldn't have had the guts - I might have asked for a manager but I'm too "goody-goody" to walk right out.

That is too perfect! I love it

Wow, that is very elaborate, leaving the book and ordering a new drink. Impressive.