Native children were forceably removed from their homes and families to attend these residential schools.
Native children were forceably removed from their homes and families to attend these residential schools.
They changed them a few years ago so that they would be a consistent brand.
I have to imagine this is what his team is telling him since none of the designers want to dress Melania... right? So he thinks all the “dress shops” are sold out and THAt’S why they can’t get anything for her
I'm sorry but I love your typo - burial instead of bridal. Too funny
Similar experience - I was twelve so some of the girls had started getting their periods and I remember questioning one saying “What do you mean there’s a third hole?”
Why is chicken on the list twice?
So this is actually one of my top 5 favourite movies. I really don’t know why or what it is, but I am not ashamed to say I enjoy this movie very much.
If I remember correctly, the white splotches on nails are actually an iron deficiency. I heard it on a talk show once when I was home sick, so take it with a grain of salt
I think it’s one that you really have to strike a balance, and teach them the importance of being able to gift as well - like in the case of the sister needing money - tell them both options, an remind them that sometimes just being nice to your friends or family when you are lucky enough to be able to is reward.
I prefer the Nivea Hydro Care, but anything Nivea is the only thing that works for me, not too greasy/heavy but gets your lips back to normal immediately.
I prefer the Nivea Hydro Care, but anything Nivea is the only thing that works for me, not too greasy/heavy but gets…
oh my goodness I could only see it as gold and white until that, now it's black and so obviously, it's ridiculous.
How about the guy that was in two back-to-back movies with Lindsay Lohan and Hilary Duff that they apparently "fought" over him and was the supposedly reason Hilary broke up with Aaron Carter... just saying.
But why would I alter my favourite jeans? they're my favourite for a reason (boot cut look waaaay better on me than skinny ever will!)
Oh, I don't know who pays unemployment here, I didn't realize it's the company that pays - unless you mean paying into the system. That would be interesting to find out
I don't know how it works there, but would she be eligible for unemployment based on the new salary? Maybe it was almost a nice thing for them to say that they're firing her but they want her to get more money from unemployment?
When my boss comes flying at me from all angles with shit she literally just made up and/or contradicts earlier shit she gave me to do
I always just thought it was a play on her name - like Iggy is a weird name, and it sounds like Igloo..... am I the only one?
Kids - yes, unless you want your wedding to be a super formal affair. Otherwise it's a family event, bring on the family.