
And this is why the ADA is necessary...

Thanks for letting us know the stupidity of your post before reading it!  Yes your post is so stupid

“Died from” and “died after” are not even in the neighborhood of the same thing. Just think how many people have died after eating healthy food and breathing clean air.

How freaking stupid are you? VAERS is nothing more than a message board. None of it is based on facts, but just a comment section that anyone and everyone can post to for review

We just had a death locally as a result of complications from Myocarditis resulting immediately after the vaccine. Yes there are deaths and complications due to the vaccine. I personally know three people with severe adverse reactions - two cases of Myocarditis and one local allergic reaction.

Still, the rates of

LOL vaers

this is copy pasta from teh Vaers website.

Boyd was such an unbearable asshole on his show. Not even manufactured drama, just pure dickhead behavior. He constantly ran off his best talent.

Someone who was around at the time told me Boyd did the show because he was struggling to keep his business alive. Every car you saw built was for the same guy because Foose leaving cost him most of his customers. Then Charlie Hutton left and cost him the rest. Considering how much Tuttle Sr. was able to make selling

The worst part of that show was how his crew would try and stop him from screwing up but they couldn’t - I remember Mike was always rolling his eyes when Boyd showed up.

Veteran here; can confirm.

Just the thing if you’re always huntin’ fur th’ guzzoline.

A Messy One

RVs are built of balsa and tissue paper. School buses are built of steel and a solid dislike of all smaller vehicles.

I guess the bus was headed west (towards the camera in the goolge photo), the car was headed south and had a fast semi-glancing impact with the front of the bus. The low front of the BMW slid under the bus, maybe just taking out its wheel and steering. The BMW’s A-pillar smacked into the bus frame and bent it, and the

I’m 250 pounds and a GS500E was a perfect starter bike for me. Still quicker than the average commuter car off the line and I could do 100mph if I really wanted to. A Ninja 500 from the same era made even a little more power and would make up for his extra 20 pounds on me. 

As a heavier guy myself (250lbs/113kg), I would always recommend a 500 parallel twin as a first bike to anyone around my size. I started on a gs500e and it was about perfect for me. It had just enough power to go on the freeway but not nearly enough to lift the front tire. It didn’t require disciplined throttle

The GS500E was my first bike too! I loved being able to redline 1st, 2nd, and 3rd gear without breaking the speed limit. It was a super fun bike to start on. I eventually felt like owning a classic and replaced it with an 83 Honda Nighthawk 650. Also an excellent bike, but parts were really hard to find and were

Wow, lots of good answers here. I have a little more insight on what people have suggested. First, the most common answer seems to be an SV650. I am 6' and 250 lbs, so we’re similar sized. I owned a Suzuki SV650 as my 3rd bike. As for ergonomics, it is about perfect for our size. I hauled ass on mine and know that it

Not as sketch as this but I was given a 330d M Sport Coupe not long ago. Friend of a friend moved to London and just abandoned it in his old flat’s carpark for 5 years. The building owners eventually tracked him down and he said if I made it my problem, I could have it. Got it trailered down but unfortunately, the