
It’s not broken if the thermostat doesn’t tell you it’s broke, right?”

I like this idea. This might also satisfy those that want a longer bed and are willing to give up the second row of seats to get that longer bed.

This was also an issue with the Edsel Villager, as I recall.

I had a ‘66 Ford Country Sedan 10 passenger wagon. What’s cooler than 10 seats in one car? The view through the rearview was hilarious, all you could see is more and more red interior as the car kept going. Great selection you posted. That ‘67 Town and Country is quite striking. 

Double down on this! My brother owned one of the blandest longroofs — a ‘76 Country Squire -- that we used to haul kayaks (among other things). Everywhere we went, that car got more attention and love (“My family had one when I was a kid!) than any other vehicle owned by anyone I know.

Great selection. The ‘77 Mercury is new to me. I remember the sedans and coupes well, but not the station wagon.

my god look at the size those gorgeously ugly land yachts! 😳🤣

“Both planes will be towed out of the environment for repairs.”

We can guillotine them at precisely a 15 degree angle, in accordance with their exacting preferences.

Ford: We’ll use the Lightning brand on our electric trucks.

This entire thread is a pile of hipsters bragging they haven't heard of a popular musician. 

I still find it a bit depressing that there are auto enthusiasts who think this way, at all. I’d thought the multifaceted weirdnesses of Jalopnik—the Radwood specials, the NPCP polls, the design foci, the apparent appreciation—meant people’d evolved out of the whole “if it’s not hard, fast, and loud, it’s for the

Just because it isn’t traditionally lust worthy doesn’t mean it can’t be enthusiast fodder. There are more than a few people that would love nothing more than to buy a small 2 seat convertible but because they have a life and other people to consider, wind up in crossovers and SUVs.

I never had an opinion on the Prius until I drove my wife’s. It’s not bad! Roomy, comfortable, good cargo space and surprisingly good pickup all things considered. It’s a great, all purpose car that really should be the chariot of the masses. And I say this as someone who drives a luxury sport sedan.

You have a point. I love my M550. Love it to death. It’s been reliable. It’s fun. It’s safe. It lets me fiddle with two grossly-unqualified-to-daily other cars (as well as others through the last few years), because it always works.

Buy the damn minivan!

Gas taxes should be higher. Like, much higher.

Idk, you have the beginning and end of Ford's D3 platform in that shot (Freestyle and Explorer). Also, you have the Mystique of a Bobcat attacking a Cougar wearing Capri pants, being rescued by a Maverick Villager.

“How tough are you? Do you do a hard day’s work and still make the time and effort for those you love and care about? Do you build that swing set in the backyard for your children? Do you pick up the plants from the nursery for that new landscaping project? Do you haul that lumber to build that deck for your family

Wow. Racist much?