
The right only cares about the idea of cops as jackboot enforcers of the “status quo” that benefits them. They have never cared about the actual cops themselves. Once the cops are not their enforcers, they don’t give a shit about them.

These are the same car? You have blown my mind. Now that you’ve said it, I can absolutely see, but never would have otherwise.

I have a driveway full of older cars (95 Chevy G20 van, ‘87 Mercury Colony Park, 56 Oldsmobile 88). And yeah, modern cars are better in every possible way.

Gah pay it forward is such a stupid “feel good without doing good” thing.

Every car I buy I throw a pair of the mylar emergency blankets in the glove box. They take up virtually no space and can be life saving. Haven’t needed them yet, but the day I do I will be extremely grateful.


I briefly owned a ‘62 silverside gaucho in the mid 2000s. Towed it 150miles home with my Scion xB over the highest point on I90 east of the Dakotas.

Now playing

Econoline pickups had a similar counterweight. If you remove it you can do a stoppie in a pickup!

The mustang build scene is hands down the best car build scene in a movie. The fact that the car isn’t perfect after the initial thrash fest and needs more tweaking & tuning is exactly how it goes. Yet for every other movie they bolt it together the night before, and it runs perfectly and wins the race.

Why are they doing expensive conversions on rich people’s toys? For the same reason Tesla’s first real car is a high end luxury vehicle. Rich people have a lot of money, so they are easy to market to.

“Surplus military vehicles” is also on that list and is very vague. Does this mean CUCVs and M939s are next?

Nah, buses are beefy as hell. They tend to use the cars that hit them as the crumple zone.

Now playing

And those just reminded me of the unbelted passengers Expedition rollover test.

Fortunately most bus crashes are being rear-ended while stopped/slowing, so the tall seats stop the whiplash and belts aren’t needed much. But yeah, the relative low speeds help a lot for preventing serious injuries.

Bus was coming towards the street view camera, BMW was coming from the right. BMW hit the bus low on the front, so you have the bottom of the bus trying to stop, while the front of the bus is trying to go left (relative to camera). This means the top of the bus continues forward as the bus is now moving left, putting

A car will mess up a bus if it’s going hard enough and hits it in the right place, and you could not have planned it better than this hit.

So being culturally different from the rest of canada makes it “not Canadian”? Or is specifically that the underlying culture is First nation that makes it “not Canadian”? Or is a place only Canadian if they are like the area of Canada you’re from?

So they aren’t canadian because they came from somewhere else? Or is that that most of them aren’t white? Either way that is some bigoted BS there.

The folded over rear section is probably what saved their life. It both directed the truck up as it folded, and made the rear area taller so the truck couldn’t crush the passenger compartment as far. That was one lucky driver.

I’m 6' and 200 lbs and my starter bike about 5 years ago was a 90s Suzuki GS500E I got for under a grand. Drove it for the rest of the season and loved every minute. It was comfortable (though I was going to upgrade to taller bars), and did not lack for power or speed, without having enough to get me in real trouble.