
She was a beaut, however it ultimately came down to either selling my rough but reliable truck for very less than I had into it, which wouldn’t pay for the work the new truck needed to get it to the same mechanical condition, or sell the new truck for a big cashout to be able to put that money towards the useable

I bought a similarly sketchy ‘64 Chevy pickup years ago. I had a no-option base model longbed that needed a bunch of rust work. I found an ad for a “‘60 GMC” for $500 and figured despite it being the wrong year and make it would have enough sheet metal in common it might be worth it as a parts truck. Contacted the guy

FIA: “We’re spent years designing a safe and effective helmet for only $10 so anyone can afford to ride safer.”

That video shows he was already out of control when the other video started. The little foot shuffle at 34sec is exactly the one you see on every “I lost control of a motorcycle in the parking lot” video

Site that does an article on how brand new motorhomes are terrible offers a 21 year old motorhome as a possible nice item.

The noises that trucker made both before and *especially* after the hit were heart wrenching.

I had trouble focusing on any other part of the crash. The little bounce the liberty did would not let me look away.

Every piece of software, and the OS of every device I have update themselves regularly, and I’m not paying a subscription to any of them. “They have to maintain and improve their software so you need to subscribe to it.” is BS. 

I don’t know what they were, I saw the first one once a few weeks after they bought it, and the second I only ever saw in photos.

A brilliant addition to this would be an “SUV” version with the back cab wall removed, and a hard shell cap over the bed. Keep the rear area hard plastics/rubber, and make the back seat lie flat even with the wheelwells. That way you get enclosed heated storage & the ability to carry even longer things (my complaint

should be 5x4" and not 4x4" per everything I can find online.

Right after they retired, my mom and her husband bought a used class A RV. They owned it for a couple years and it was mostly fine except that the auto-leveling jacks kept failing. Randomly they would be somewhere, pull in the sliders and go to raise the jacks and one or more would fail to raise. Or the controller

vehicle repairs are always cheaper than medical bills. I’d rather a $20K repair bill than a $200K emergency hospital bill.

So hear me out. You want a classic station wagon.

I once drove 30 out of 32 hours straight to get to a wedding. This was due to my relationship ending 2 hours into the drive from Toronto to Iowa, having to double back to my now-ex GF’s place in Toronto, then back to my place in CT, arriving to my roommate delivering a message from my friends that they didn’t care

This is basically a square wheel with the top lopped off.

The bill is definitely poorly worded. However the idea of limiting trucks to only a mild squat does make logical sense. The headlights are pointed at nothing, and their front visibility. I bet the handling is shit too.

In the impossible event I become stupid rich, I want to commission RR to make me a poverty-spec Rolls. Unpainted black plastic bumpers, steel wheels w/o hubcaps, cloth upholstery, black plastic grille instead of chrome, etc. Hell, get them to swap an engine with less cylinders in. Every single marker car manufacturers

The “Err- Err” of the hydrolocked motor in the red BMW trying to start hurt my soul. I actually said “Honey, no.” out loud at that clip.

What crazy ass numbers are you using here? “2 million billion” is 2,000 trillion. If you meant 2 trillion (which is what the bill actually is) just say that.