
The sables were all gap-toothed because for some bizarre reason the four middle bulbs (which produced basically no useful light) were stupidly expensive back in the 90s. My mom had one and replaced 2 of the bulbs, then after that decided “eff this” and stopped replacing them as they burned out.

Well heck. I have been looking at Astros for my “bomb around and haul stuff” car. Now they are off the lists, that is terrifying.

The Prius hate among car enthusiasts is and always has been utterly stupid. It is a reliable inoffensive Car(tm), for people who aren’t enthusiasts and want a Car(tm) that gets good gas mileage and possibly makes them feel better about helping the environment.

Very valid point. I don’t *want* a Camry, but if they made a wagon/hatchback version I would be perfectly happy with one as a DD. Would still have my terrible cars too.

That’s not gap, that is an insurance company lowballing you. Gap would be if you owed $18K and the car was only worth $12K. It specifically covers the amount you are upside down on the loan.

I’ve been curious about this as I’m pondering a “newer” wagon for a DD once life gets a bit more normal.

25 year old exotic with Dodge build quality seems an entirely reasonable thing to decide to just cook itself one day.

the coupler was off the ground, but the ball mount that had slid out of the receiver was hanging from it and dragging.

Every trailer I’ve built or upgraded has had safety chains rate to twice the trailer weight (at least). They are not something to fuck around with.

The problem is mounting an MC & booster, integrating it with the pedal assembly, and running lines as the current assembly is a weird one off in a weird location (it is the cylinder labeled PB under the steering column in the pic). The mounting setups for the non-power brakes and both types of power brakes are also all

I’m currently trying to figure out how to accomplish this on my ‘56 Oldsmobile. It has a weird power MC mounted down on the frame in the engine compartment, and the only conversion kit I’ve seen replaces a bolt-in section of the firewall that contains the fresh air vent with a metal plate that has a power booster

The reminds me more of the older style of COE, given the doors are behind the axle.

A friend who grew up in NYC & Boston and never got their driver’s license moved to the sticks and needed to get a license and a car. They also have anxiety, and driving/traffic is one of their major triggers. They knew they wanted blind spot detection and a couple other things, and needed something that wouldn’t make

In the early 2000s I worked at a16 pump gas station, and the pumps would run slow when we had a lot of cars. It was enough of a problem that Corporate sent repair guys out several times. Filters got changed, pumps checked, all sort of stuff, with no effect. I have no idea how it was finally discovered, but the problem

So this one didn’t make the cut either?

So it’s been pointed out that “Pontiac” was the name of a famous leader of the Ottawa tribe and is not a tribe itself. So how exactly do you have a “Pontiac girlfriend”? That would be like me having a “George Washington girlfriend.”

Yeah, the like ratio give me hope for the world.

You’ve had this explained to you by multiple people, and the original article explained it. So either you are a colossal idiot with zero reading comprehension, or you don’t want to learn and just want to argue with people instead of actually considering the issue. Either way, interacting with you further is clearly a

Did any single white person alive today steal a native american’s land? Did any single native american alive today lose their land due to white people?

The Casino run by the tribe, who chose to name their casino after themselves? That is some impressive false equivalency there.