
Also, “My car has lots of wind noise” is not something they are going to send a truck and loner car to the side of the highway for. Also “My car has lots of wind noise” is not something that is going to get a car declared unsafe. And you can’t “Refuse delivery” of a car you have already accepted delivery of and driven

Way to ignore all but the line convenient to your narrative. Including the entire part about the issue with my sister’s car that mirrors this situation and shows your whole “They should have known better” to be foolish.

You are saying that they should have pulled over before the roof flew off their car. Whether they pulled over or not has nothing to do with the fact the roof wasn’t glued on their car properly. There is no version of “the roof wasn’t glued on properly” that puts any fault on the owner of the car. Even if they had

I used to do this too (in the last few years the selection of used tires has dried up around here and the time hunting isn’t worth the savings). For common passenger car tire sizes you could get name brand tires with 9-10/32nds tread for $20-$25 each, as opposed to $90+ for the same tire with 12/32nds of tread.

There is only one choice, this epic van on facebook marketplace. With the extra $20K you can get it fixed up and the murals touched up. Then you’ll get all the chicks in your bitchen van.

Current household fleet:

Another issue is that unless it is utterly destroyed, the post office will repair an LLV, no matter how damaged it is in a crash/theft/fire/etc. Simply because they are not replaceable.

I played GTAO back when it first started on my 360, then grew bored as it just became a grindy slog to be able to afford the next new expensive car/house/whatever.

I’m a car guy, with a couple beater hatchbacks and a rusty old wagon in the driveway. My house is definitely “that house” on the block (bought it from an 80+ yr old woman last fall, and am catching up on decades of deferred maintenance and overgrown yard). A factor in buying this place is the oversized (for the area)

They are going to have a hard time getting the fire fighters on their side, Especially when they are racially profiling Fire Fighters in uniform in front of a fire station:

The wheelbase is fairly short, this car is 40% overhangs (those wheels went away a week after I bought it). Its just that the Fit and xA are much shorter.

I’m so upset right now. I had just decided I didn’t need a set of quickjacks because I could only get ones for the my massive ‘87 Mercury wagon or for the smaller hatchbacks we both drive daily. Now I can use them for both and am obsessing all over again.

I work in insurance, and Wranglers are the worst vehicle for crashes. They are an amazing combination of too rigid and too weak, with all their vital bits right in the path of impact. It is nearly impossible to *not* fuck up a wrangler in any impact.

Oh goodie! A post that give me an excuse to share pictures of my dioramas.

Most entertaining vehicle for that is still my ‘64 Chevy C10 pickup. It was the absolute base model, with “deluxe heat” (not air conditioning) being the only option.

Oh yes, I’m not saying California is doing everything right by any means.

I made the mistake of putting fender mirrors on one of my classics and agree that it was horrible. I was able to make the passenger one slightly less horrible by finding a convex blind-spot mirror at a truck stop that was the same size as the mirror and sticking it over the flat mirror glass.

Yep. The trump administration appears to be going down the list of Obama era policies/accomplishments/etc. and trying to undo every single one, just because Obama did it, or was in office when it was done.