
False equivalency. I've got nothing but manuals in the driveway, and I can assure you if I'm going to do something dumb or unsafe while driving the transmission makes no difference.

The Muscle Truck is owned privately by Freiburger, and he's thinning his fleet.

By all means, move to Iran. We won't miss you.

If the SC DMV is requiring everyone to remove their makeup then it is fine. If they are only asking this person, then it is bigotry.

This is a banger race in Britain though.

Try living under an actual dictator before you throw words like that around. Given the checks & balances of government are still in place and he is only able to do what the governmental system that has been in place for hundreds of years lets him, "Dictator" is a joke.

So you are advocating killing the president?

Well played $kaycog. Well played.

The Blue devil was level when it came to rest in the hole, so the could do a horizontal lift. The red car came to rest sideways, so they lifted it sideways. The '62 was nose-up so they lifted it nose-up. They are likely lifting them straight up from their resting places in whatever orientation they were to reduce the

#10. It is Cromwell Classic Auto Wash, named for the location, Cromwell CT. Which is over 2 hours drive from Boston.

Oil extraction & refining is not a clean industry by comparison. Ask the people in the gulf how little damage is done if oil accidentally spills.

Hannibal Lecter, your car is ready.

That is exactly what they're doing. They need to take it apart first though.

As a former CT resident I only have one word for this law.

The first one is again, not a '32 ford, and the other two are fiberglass replicas.

To the people who want a '32 ford 5-window, a '28 hudson 3-window is not the same thing.

Nissan Pao. I have no idea why, but I have been obsessed with them since learning of their existence.

Continuing to add proof to my theory that "Swarovski Crystal" means "Seriously Tacky Shit"

Ah, so you *are* a dick. Got it.

And you missed my point, you don't know what modifications he may need made to fit beyond moving the seat back, so being dismissive and saying it is "a fucking 2 hour job" belittles him & his problem without even knowing everything about it.