
*blink* How is less seating positions and less efficient use of space(ie console shifted auto rather than column or button shifted) a progression? How is needing a larger vehicle to seat the same number of people if you only need to seat that number occasionally an improvement?

I heard about this shooting on the radio yesterday, and as soon as they gave a vague description of the SUV my thought was "They should get Jalopnik to ID it. And here it is 17 hours later.

So to you loading the car to the amount the manual says is the carrying capacity, making sure the tire pressure is to factory spec, and then making an evasive maneuver at less than highway speeds is "Driving like a Douche"?

better shot of similar damage

That is nothing, all that is there on *lots* of cars is the outer plastic bumper cover, the bumper beam & absorber are more to the middle. All that happened is that the plastic bumper cover folded inwards. I'm willing to bet once the bicycle was pulled out they could reach behind and pop most or all of that right

A "code: of driving on public roads and acting with complete disregard for the people around you or the consequences of your actions? This is "honor" to you? Spend some time on, you clearly don't understand what those words mean.

They stopped production of the classic beetle in 2003 because they needed the capacity for other VWs.

I really hope the writer over at Stance Nation is not a native English speaker. Because if English is his native language, his grammar and sentence structure is just embarrassing for someone writing for a major blog.

Yep worst engine & worst year for the transmission. It got one round of head gaskets and the trans was rebuilt twice. Second time I sheered the teeth on the planetary gear, shop said they'd never seen one fail like that ever before.

A 1991 Ford Taurus wagon artcar. I drove it for 6 years and logged 187,000 miles(for 288K on the car) on it before the engine developed a rod knock. I drove that car &everywhere and loved all of it. I still miss the car, despite it being mechanically bland it was willing to take whatever I threw at it, from pushing

Sample conversations with my girlfriend(paraphrased for length).

It isn't the worst thing, but to me the most *confusing* thing is the people who come to classic car shows in the classic car, get out, unpack a chair and sit behind their car the whole time, then at the end of the show put the chair back in the car and drive away.

ridiculously overcomplicated displays that end up completely obscuring the car they are supposed to be enhancing.

I still want them to take those, retrofit a Checker style nose & tail to them and paint them up in classic NYC livery. All the functionality of a modern taxi, wit ha distinctive look that fits in with the current NYC attempts to turn all of Manhattan into "NYC the Theme Park".

Instead of a smart phone, buy a $70 flip phone with a $43/month(with taxes/fess) plan. Discover how little you really need a smart phone most of the time, and that there is little incentive to stare at a flip phone instead of interacting w/ people.

I know it's overdone, but after reading your description of the Rolls hearse I just got a visual of it going sideways around an airfield in a cloud of tire smoke while Clarkson sits in the driver's seat declaring it to be "The most expensive hearse the world!"

One of these, with a NH license plate was regularly parked on my street for the first ~6 months I lived there. I always meant to get pics and forgot. Haven't seen it in about a year and still regret missing my chance.

With a manual you can tow this behind a motorhome easily.