This is heart-breaking. That you had to live that tragedy and then you had to suffer the finger into raw wound every time someone had to say something to make THEMSELVES feel better.
This is heart-breaking. That you had to live that tragedy and then you had to suffer the finger into raw wound every time someone had to say something to make THEMSELVES feel better.
Excuse me while I sing their praises for a minute— I LOVED the first iteration of this show so much, and was disappointed to see that they got a whole new cast with younger men. However, this show is so much more positive than the last one. I guess both are progressive products of their time, and V1 was fantastic in…
I’ve long had a hatred for makeover shows. My mom loved them, and during my teenage years, fantasized about sending me on one. I was having gender identity issues, was being bullied, and overall pretty miserable. I hated that clothes were such a battleground: I wanted them not to matter, but if they didn’t matter,…
She definitely should not have had to apologize to a family of unapologetic idiots. My favorite was the Sally Fields comment about this:
Yes, thank you. The real story here is the one she was covering about families being ripped apart by the very party who claims to support “family values”.
I think there’s a lot to be said for your approach. With all due respect to Mrs. Obama, forget going high when they go low. When they go low, cuff them in the ear. Let them know you’re not to be trifled with.
Mr. Spade’s remark that Kate “sounded happy” the day before she died prompted me to want to share. I have major depressive disorder and anxiety. I see my therapist and my psychiatric nurse practitioner on the reg. I take five medications daily, and I’m sitting in front of my light therapy box right now. Most of the…
People can be so tactless in times like this. When my parents died last summer (murder-suicide by my dad), people had the gall to tell me “They just loved each other so much. They went together.” It took everything in me not to say “Did you read the police report, do you know how hard my mother fought to stay here?…
This statement made me cry. This man loved her and all the complicated feelings love can entail. He seems so heartbreakingly human and devastated despite them potentially being in the process of ending their marriage. It really stuck me that despite love and success and wealth things can still be so complicated and…
Aww man this statement is so sad. 35 years is a lifetime. I hope people give this family space to grieve.
Calling someone a feckless cunt is not the same thing as reducing someone to a body part or objectifying her. She didn’t say “all that feckless Ivanka is good for is her is her cunt” or something to that effect. Criticizing a woman for her shitty behavior is not sexism. I guess if Samantha Bee had just written off an…
So it was you and the rest of the white supremacists? That’s company you appear to be happy to associate yourself with?
No she mentioned it to emphasize she’s a fucking liar.
Yeah, because some people still think that the same rules apply for both sides. The right will never not play the victim. We need to stop acting like we’ll get rewarded for apologizing.
That person is not arguing in good faith. Although, thank you for providing the actual joke. The republicans were also acting in bad faith. They knew most people would not actually look into the joke and instead trust what Fox News told them.
No, she didn’t. There is nothing in what she said to support that. YOU think the woman has a lazy eye, so mentioning the word “eye” brings up that association for YOU.
That’s inserting your own interpretation of why she mentioned “eye” in the joke, she could have said she uses the ashes in her baking recipes for all it matters.
I am so fucking sick of liberals surrendering to fake conservative outrage and offering apologies that will in no way whatsoever be accepted or honored or even acknowledged. GROW A FUCKING BACKBONE, YOU FECKLESS CUNTS.