Fuck off. Why should she sideline her own career in deference to her husband’s? The woman wants to work. She earned a doctorate in pursuit of that work. She has every right to keep working and to be paid for that work.
Fuck off. Why should she sideline her own career in deference to her husband’s? The woman wants to work. She earned a doctorate in pursuit of that work. She has every right to keep working and to be paid for that work.
Yes! Seeing random family wander around in the background is fun. And I love all the pets and kids. One of my cats loves Zoom and everyone greets her like she’s part of the meeting. My colleague’s son loves animals so he pops in to say hi to the pets. My EVP has 2 little kids and his wife is a stay at home mom. But…
Have you tried a weighted blanket? My magic is cold room, OTC sleep aid (basically Unisom), and a weighted blanket.
Of course you cannot sign away the rights of your child to seek out their biological parent, especially in the era of readily available DNA testing and ancestry companies. But this woman who contacted her donor’s mother is kind of the worst. Like wtf was she expecting? Talk about seriously overstepping boundaries. If…
August and Everything After is amazing and I don’t care what anyone says. Also, the acoustic Across a Wire disc (lol) is beautiful. As a symbol of my peak Gen-Xness I named my cat Baltimore after Raining in Baltimore when my very own Troy Dyer moved across the country in 1995.
I have spent the last 18 years in therapy. It absolutely has helped. But when I agreed to try Lexapro last year, the improvement in my ability to cope and quality of life was drastically improved. Marianne Williamson can suck it.
I feel like vicious and strong only go down well when they come from a white man. From a woman, they spin that into a shrill, irrational bitch with PMS.
As GoT ended, we’d been talking about shows that got it right from beginning to end (GoT is definitely not on the list) so naturally Breaking Bad has come up. Aaron Paul was so good in that so I’m glad to see him in a big show again.
I real life cry in the shower.
Yes. I hate that we have to assign some sort of moral value to it. Like it’s a necessary evil.
Let me address it for you: it’s not murder. There you go.
These people don’t care about the experiences, stories, pain, or plans of women. They also don’t give a flying fuck about babies or children. They care about controlling women. That’s it.
My ex-FIL had an older sister named Betty. Betty died in childhood. His parents had another child and named her... Betty. It’s fucked. They called them “Big Betty” (i.e., Dead Betty) and Little Betty.
I was 34 when I had my abortion. I was already a mother and had a good job. I could have had a baby. I didn’t want to and didn’t feel like it would have been the right decision for me. I have zero regrets. Also, no one pressured me. In fact, I was given my options in a very deliberate and unbiased way (even though I…
Also, even if Lisa did orchestrate a leak, who cares? It was about a thing Dorit actually did. And it’s so ridiculously inconsequential.
OK, but like my bras have several hooks - at least two rows and two columns (so 4-6 hooks usually, of which I need to use 2-3). If you are trying to clasp it behind your back, how do you make sure you are hooking the right hook onto the right loop? This seems unnecessarily complex.
As others have mentioned, USC is private.
I had non-stress testing throughout my third trimester which included twice weekly ultrasounds to measure amniotic fluid. As a bonus, we got to see the baby a lot. And my son flipped from breach to head down (and back again... and again) in the last weeks of my pregnancy. When I went in for delivery, he was head down.
Back in the 90s Elizabeth Taylor spritzed me with water while I was doing AIDS Walk.