Nah, but I have totally given other people’s children a stern talking to. I consider it a social obligation.
Nah, but I have totally given other people’s children a stern talking to. I consider it a social obligation.
Duuuuude. This is my boyfriend’s dad. He’s a real softie now, but he was a very distant disciplinarian when my bf was growing up. By extension my boyfriend has an authoritarian streak when it comes to kids. I have a son from a previous marriage, but my boyfriend is childless. I gotta tell you, he is learning so much…
I love Alfie Kohn! I’m not gonna lie, though... I definitely am a praise seeker and I also praise my kid. BUT! I think what is more effective than the praise I give him is that I ask him about the things that he’s doing or that are important to him. I let him inform me about what he’s up to. He’s 14 now, but it…
I’m impatient and frustrate easily. It’s amazing how much patience I can muster for my kid. I didn’t have a good model for parenting, but I love my son so fiercely that making him feel that love and giving him every opportunity to be a happy, well-adjusted person have been at the center of how I parent. My kid is 14.…
I know she wasn’t the lead, but the Queen Latifah-Mos Def romance was my favorite part of Brown Sugar.
Put her litter box outside - the scent will attract her. Also, cats are usually close by. I have an escape artist who was once found in the backyard of the house behind me (with 3 giant dogs!) and once found in our next door neighbor’s bushes after being missing for a day. Also, go out at night when it’s quieter and…
I know. Presumably his EP position is why he also gets to play two meaningless characters.
Franco’s characters are the least interesting part of this show, especially in season 2. I tune out or ffwd through a lot of his scenes because they add nothing of value. Maggie Gyllenhall is everything though.
Would that it were also over IRL. Instead I’m sitting here watching a bunch of men grill a woman who is a sexual assault survivor because they’re desperate to protect their groping, raping, way of life that has allowed them to feel ownership over women’s bodies for all of fucking eternity.
Meh. I don’t love my Instant Pot at all. I tried a bunch of recipes in it and nothing impressed me. First, the time to come up to pressure and then the time to release pressure adds a significant amount of time. Second, and more importantly, everything you make in an IP tastes so much better when you make it using…
I literally feel like I had a low key version of Issa’s feels. “Ohhhh shiiiiiiit. Lawrence. God, he looks good. But Nathan has so much promise and seems kind of amazing! But I have a history with Lawrence!” I’m so confused about what I even want to happen.
I live in California, but I made a contribution last week after his kick ass response to the question regarding his feelings about taking a knee. I want him to win so badly.
This is pretty much me. I have a small rib cage/back, but meaty upper arms. I wear a 34DD bra, but a size L/XL top fits me best. However, I risk getting stuck in anything that doesn’t have some stretch to the arm holes. Or I just won’t be able to get my arms in at all. And I loathe cap sleeves or sleeveless tops…