
I was going to say - and this is why the left always loses. But you were much more eloquent.

Many of the most successful, self-possessed, vibrant, independent women in my life struggle mightily with depression and anxiety, and go between wanting to put it all out there — listen, if I can live through this, so can you — and wanting to keep it all hidden, because showing weakness will ruin her capacity to be a

I picked out my Kate Spade messenger bag from their downtown NYC store back in the late 90s. It was my big Christmas present that year, and I still bust it out pretty regularly. Classic. Chic. Practical. New York-y.

Kindness is everything.

My favorite designer— her brand exudes joy and whimsy.

THANK YOU. Steve wtf grumble grumble mumble.

That character was so hot...until Miranda broke up with him and he did NOT handle that breakup well.

I’m sorry, did you all forget that Miranda dated a character played by Blair freaking Underwood, and not only did that character have Blair Underwood’s face and body, but he was a doctor and adorable with little baby Brady?!

YESSSS. Agreed. Not only was he smart and successful, Harry was always so sweet and supportive of Charlotte, which makes him way sexier. Steve, on the other hand, cheated on Miranda just because she was too overwhelmed in balancing her career and motherhood to ask him for sex. Decidedly NOT sexy and instant lady-boner


How dare you?! I hope you’re not serious and just trying to get a rise out of us because Steve was an overgrown baby with the whiniest voice ever (also a pretty punchable face.) Smith Jerrod was the hottest, inside and out. He truly loved Samantha, despite all the shit he had to take from her. Remember when he stayed

Absolut Hunk 4EVA

Steve was the woooooooorst. By a longshot. Big was at least up-front about being an asshole. So was Aleksander (to an extent). If someone were to write Steve’s character today, we would all be calling him the stereotypical “Nice Guy” who actually sucks. He whines all the time, nags Miranda for working (even when she’s

Am I weird for thinking Harry was the hottest? Or at least the best partner?

Yep. Harry (Charlotte’s second husband) was the best one. His all-around goodness makes him the hottest one. Aidan is perhaps second (and physically the hottest). He wasn’t perfect, but Carrie totally shat on him. Multiple times.

Steve was the whiniest one and he acted like a 12 year old.

Now playing

And it was from Obama’s commencement speech at a women’s college, which adds a nice feminist layer on top too.

Ugh he does. And vienna sausage fingers to boot.