
The difference is you don’t choose your race but Ivanka has chosen to be a cunt.

Say, do you hand-wring about why white people can’t say that word too?

Conservatism is about feeling insulted, the more insulted you feel the less you have to examine your own thoughts and actions

The pearl-clutching that crawls out when the alt-right seeks a tit-for-tat takedown is hilarious and sad. Their is no actual belief behind their poutrage, it is just for show.


Our cats saw the Sally Struthers commercials and decided THEY WANT TO MAKE MORE MONEY! (Sure, we all do!)

My cat knows a couple of tricks and seems to enjoy doing them so I don’t know where you get this. To teach a cat a trick you start with something that they seem inclined to do and then expand it into a trick. Like my cat will stand up when you say “up!” She used to stand up when we were about to feed her so I just

I trained my cat to do HVAC and washer/dryer units so these Ukranian broads can suck it

My cat possesses the ability to block an entire lane of household traffic with his Floofiness.

he describes himself as a detached and hyper-logical champion of human rights

That scene where Emma Thompson goes to her room to compose herself is the most well-acted, heartbreaking scene in the entire movie.

Oh really?! Why don’t you ask Emma Thompson’s character in Love Actually about him letting people down!

He totally was one of the best parts in the whole of Harry Potter. Before the last book had even come out, I knew that Snape would have to be good in the end because there was no way Alan Rickman would let us down like that.

That’s a decent apology but my opinion of him remains largely unchanged. You’re a grown-ass man and you should know better.

a decent apology but I’m still a little...

Oh honey, no. There are books you should read.

Not that this matters but Jessica Walter is TEN TIMES the talent he is. The show would have been nothing without her Lucille when anyone could have played George Sr. The argument for “difficult” men is that their talent is worth dealing with it. But he was tormenting someone worth ten of him and it’s still defensible.

I thought most women fake most orgasms, so what is the point of a “real” one on tv? Just the novelty? Or to prove it exists?

A community I follow on facebook pointed out Portia wasn’t even there. Besides who asked for a 5th season of this in 2018?!?!? I loved seasons 1-3 14 years ago!!! I didn’t even finish season 4.

This is a show about prostitution and pornoagraphy in NYC in the seventies - it airs on HBO.