
Good parenting is a great! It can also be rare. Mediocre parenting is much more common because most of us are, by definition, mediocre. Most teens will act out and hide some things from their parents, and most parents will have a hard time understanding or talking to their kids at some point.

I don’t see any reason why they can’t continue being artists. Now, whether they’re popular artists or not is up to the audience.

I kind of think she has a point. I think Louis still has an audience, and that’s not the worst thing ever. I really don’t see him as a serial predator like Polanski and Weinstein, just gross. I definitely think that the way the music industry has just allowed Chris Brown to ascend despite him being a provable piece of

You mean ****ercream birthday cakes.

So he’s basically saying these men have a “have sex with me or I’ll murder some people” take on life? And it’s somehow our responsibly to provide that sex in order to protect ourselves and our society from them? Ummmm, k.

What makes me angry about the entire “incel” thing - outside of the obvious entitlement and objectification of women - is that these assholes claiming that women are just picking high-status men are the same assholes who won’t date “beneath them.” It’s not that they CAN’T get laid. They just don’t want any woman who


How can you ignore American royalty in a post like this? How?

Im sorry, but fuck her. She’s no different than any of those assholes who murder their wife and kids then turn the gun on themselves. Throwing your seven year old child out of a window is the most severe act of abuse you can commit. She was an abuser.

Wow, poor asshole baby can’t handle the consequences for his racist actions.

You know, I wish that her family wasn’t trying as hard as they could to be tackier than our president. Like I feel so bad for her, bc god knows that she has a tough road to walk trying to gain acceptance in that world, and they are just being as fcking low rent as possible. I’ve dated above my socio-economic class,

Does anyone else while reading stories about Meghan Markle’s extended family think about which of their own extended family would be selling stories to the press if they were to marry royally?

You think this shit with the guitar and her ex is fucked up, Frances and Courtney have constantly been in court having to fight some sleezy reporter who keeps pushing to have the all the crime scene photos publicly released. They’ve never seen them, don’t want to and if they are publicly released there is no way to

Ugh that’s such a horrible thing, the ex husband keeping Frances Bean’s guitar. She doesn’t even have any memories of Kurt, and that lowlife keeps the guitar. That’s just...bad karma.

Wow what an immense asshole. I hope she gets it back somehow. What a fucking creep he is.

Isaiah is a fucking asshole. I could not do that to my ex regardless if we split. Not even if it ended badly.

I don’t care how famous someone is or how much you hate them, I’d never take their dead dad’s guitar, or anything of their dead parent. Jesus. That’s messed up.

I can’t imagine how sad and low a human being has to be to keep something so sentimental purely out of spite. That is truly, truly ugly.

How? I honestly don’t understand how she is getting shit on for this. Jesus Christ.

Am I missing something in the tone of “how nice for her not to have to worry about salary”? This is the thing we want for women (all women, all industries) but we have to be snide when it’s achieved? And the final sentence “be Emilia Clarke” in order to get parity in salary? So we shouldn’t bother? I’m completely at a