I’d have an anesthesiologist on board to keep me under general anesthesia for the the whole flight.
I’d have an anesthesiologist on board to keep me under general anesthesia for the the whole flight.
Ha! I hate flying so much. Flames on the sides of my face much. I do it a lot for work and spend the whole affair bitter and silently rageful. I’m also a nervous, fearful flyer.
Oh, Landry. <3
That’s yer problem, lil lady. Maybe if you cooled your jets with the feminazi whatnot there you’d find a nice man who’d wanna take you on, take care of you and provide for yer womb critters. But if you keep using that sorta foul language, well, it sounds like it’s your fault if you’re struggling! Struggling against…
So like ... can I have maternity leave? Affordable prenatal care? Any treatment for my battered lady-bits after birth? Help with childcare? (My parents live very, very far away and I really like what I do for a living.) Will my daughters be able to get jobs where they won’t be harassed by their employers, or is their…
There’s a lot more going on with his suicide than just him being exposed as a rapist. I say this because there is going to be an avalanche of blame (and harassment and worse) directed at his victim. Before he blessedly relieved the Earth of his presence, a local public radio station was publishing an ongoing…
As someone in recovery who has been lucky enough to start to recover and repair close relationships that had been strained BC if my addiction, the article by Philip Seymour Hoffman’s wife is something I really needed right now to keep motivated. I think as an addict you know in a general sense that what you’re doing…
I need white liberals to stop trying to “fix” everyone else’s communities once and for all and go work on their own, because clearly the call is coming from inside the house.
Oh yes? I’m so glad to hear that. I read an article about her sharing how wonderful the experience was for her.
I’m not racist. I have white friends. Namaste!
Sometimes babies need to go places, too. You sound like my roommate when she says children don’t belong on the subway.
It’s also miles better than SMILF which was nominated this year.
It’s miles better than Girls which was nominated twice and won once.
I heard they’re also looking into the allegations that dementors are real.
“especially in light of the fact that investigations by three other Congressional committees, and investigations in 13 states including a Grand Jury in Texas, have all shown that Planned Parenthood did nothing wrong.”